[Air-L] Recruiting Doctoral Students, PhD in Information, University of Arizona - iSchool (Deadline: Jan, 2, 2022)

Zack Lischer-Katz zlkatz at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 12:31:34 PST 2021

The School of Information (iSchool) at the University of Arizona is
accepting applications for Fall 2022 admission into our PhD program.

*For more Information, please
visit: https://ischool.arizona.edu/phd-information
<https://ischool.arizona.edu/phd-information> *

*The application deadline is January 02, 2022.*

We are seeking a wide variety of students with different research interests
and experiences, with emphasis in these areas:

• Machine Learning
• Natural Language Processing
• Text Retrieval
• Virtual/mixed Reality
• Game Development and Design
• Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
• Educational Technology
• Digital Curation and Preservation
• Archival Studies
• Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods

For students with interests in technology-focused areas, having advanced
object-oriented programming skills, experience with machine learning
toolkits such as scikit-learn or TensorFlow, and/or experience with widely
used real-time development platforms such as Unity is a plus. Past
instructional experiences, although not a requirement for admission, are
also beneficial and should be highlighted in application materials. Funded
positions will be available for select graduate students; those students
will receive tuition remission and a stipend as they engage in
instructional or research-related activity.

The UArizona iSchool's mission is to inspire interdisciplinary
understanding, diverse interpretation, creation, and use of the emerging
knowledge and information environments of the 21st century through
innovative instruction and state-of-the-art technology. The iSchool is a
place for the interdisciplinary study of information, broadly conceived,
and is focused on preparing students for living, thinking, and working in
the digital age. The iSchool is the state of Arizona's only member of the
iSchool caucus, a consortium of over 100 international programs focused on
"enhancing the lives of people, the productivity of companies, the
innovation cycles of industries, the design of technologies, the policies
that govern technology and information use, information services to
communities, and much more."

The iSchool and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) are
dedicated to creating a serious, open, free intellectual space for inquiry,
one in which faculty, students, staff members, and community partners can
participate fully, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity,
sexuality, age, socio-economic status, citizenship status, size, abled
status, language, religion, or any other characteristic. Strategically
positioned to lead the University of Arizona's status as a Hispanic Serving
Institution, the iSchool and SBS foregrounds our awareness of the deep
ancestral footprint of our region's populations and cultures, including the
Tohono O'odham and Pascua Yaqui peoples whose traditional lands we inhabit.
We honor diverse knowledge traditions and lived experiences, and we strive
to foster accessibility and equity, the conditions in which our members
together can produce new, rigorous, urgent, and evidence-based knowledge.

*For more Information, please
visit: https://ischool.arizona.edu/phd-information

*The application deadline is January 02, 2022.*

If you have questions about the application process or materials, please
reach out to our administrative support team through Eric Gonzales at
ericgonzales at arizona.edu

Zack Lischer-Katz, Assistant Professor
University of Arizona, iSchool, zlkatz at arizona.edu


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