[Air-L] Ph.D. position in Communication Sciences: Heritage and Innovation, Switzerland

Michela Ornati michela.ornati at usi.ch
Fri Dec 3 06:24:05 PST 2021

Hi All,

The Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication at USI-Universita’ della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) invites applications for one funded Ph.D. position in Communication Sciences, titled "Heritage and Innovation". The research project will focus on the digitalization of a brand's fashion heritage and its related digital and phygital communication practices.

The doctoral student will be enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Communication Sciences. He/she will work under the scientific supervision of prof. Lorenzo Cantoni.

This position is funded by the Lifestyle-Tech Competence Center, and is done within a collaborative project with Bally, Hyphen Group, and Microsoft. USI is a founding member of the LifeStyleTech Competence Center, which unites both academic and industry members.

Applications received before January 15, 2022, will be given priority.

The call for applications is available here<https://www.usi.ch/en/university/work-with-us/job-opportunities> and you can also find it by copy-pasting in your browser:

Kind Regards,

Michela Ornati - MBA, MA
Professional Lecturer at University of Applied Sciences and Arts (SUPSI) Lugano
Ph.D. Student
Università della Svizzera italiana
Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication (ITDxC)
ORCID<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0641-6950> / GoogleScholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zqORVGkAAAAJ&hl=en>

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