[Air-L] CfP: Comparative Media Studies in Today's World - 2022!
Svetlana S. Bodrunova
s.bodrunova at spbu.ru
Wed Dec 8 05:08:04 PST 2021
[Apologies for cross-posting]
Dear colleagues,
CMSTW'2022, a conference on comparative studies of communication and
media, is coming soon! 🙂 April 19-20, 2022 - please save the dates.
The full CfP is attached to this letter.
'Comparative Media Studies in Today's World' will be celebrating its
10th anniversary in 2022. We invite you to submit to the conference
(Easychair will open soon) and to follow our Facebook community at
The conference theme this year is Mediated Solidarities and
Inequalities. We want to make a strong claim for media and
communication as a source, means, and condition for solidarity search
in the times of inequalities, disparities, and divisions. Today,
networked communication is focus of attention for hundreds of
scholars, and interlinking network structures and content is one of
the conference foci.
In 2022, we will have several new formats and will feature both new
members of the CMSTW family and those who have helped us to gain our
place in media science. Among the invited guests, there will be Silvio
Waisbord, Ingrid Volkmer, Susanne Fengler, Katrin Voltmer, Anna
Gladkova, Anna Litvinenko, and many more. We will have events for
young scholars, invited panels from ICA and IAMCR, new books session,
and virtual tours, among the rest.
The conference portal cmstw2022.org will be open by December 20, 2021
(meanwhile, you can check the previous conference, cmstw2021.org); the
deadline for abstract and extended abstract submissions will be
February 25. More on publishing options and awards to come soon!
Welcome to St.Petersburg, Russia (virtually)!
Svetlana S. Bodrunova, Prof., D.Polit.Sci.
Head, Center for International Media Research
School of Journalism and Mass Communications,
St.Petersburg State University
+7 921 933 02 14
s.bodrunova at spbu.ru, spasibo-tebe at yandex.ru
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