[Air-L] Call for hand hygiene survey participation

Sophie Rutter s.rutter at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed Dec 15 03:51:16 PST 2021


We invite you to take part in this short survey about hand hygiene in
workplaces.This survey is being conducted by Drs Sophie Rutter and Andrew
Madden from the Information School, The University of Sheffield

This study aims to get a better understanding of the importance of hand
hygiene to organisations, the potential for technology to manage hand
hygiene, and how to promote hand hygiene compliance within the workplace.
Neither you nor your organisation will be identifiable in any publications.
It doesn't matter if you're working from home or are in the office.

The survey
will take approximately 10 minutes to complete (at the end of the survey,
you can register for a chance to win one of ten £10 Love to Shop vouchers).

This project is funded by Innovate UK to help tackle the spread of Covid-19
and other diseases. If you have any questions about this survey please
email me or Dr Andrew Madden a.d.madden at sheffield.ac.uk .


Thank you! Sophie Rutter
Lecturer in Information Management
Research Ethics Coordinator - PGT
iLab <https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/is/research/facilities#iLab> (usability
lab) Development Lead

Information School, Room 234,
Regent Court, 211 Portobello,
Sheffield, S1 4DP

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