[Air-L] [EXTERNAL] the NFT bandwagon

Matthew Moore Matthew.Moore at uts.edu.au
Fri Dec 24 11:32:29 PST 2021

Hi Salvatore,

I broadly agree with everything Eno says. I am bemused by crypto and NFTs. Like Eno, I think part of their growth is a function of fiscal stimulus and low interest rates of the last decade.

Some comments:

  *   While I am uninterested in crypto/NFTs, I am very interested in equity crowdfunding (that’s where I do my speculative investing - and it comes out of my entertainment budget, not my retirement funds).
  *   I would rather buy art from artists I love (or do something else to support them directly) than mess about with NFTs.
  *   I share your concerns about the drive to turn everything into a recordable transaction.
  *   ICOs and NFTs feel like the consumer version of what CDOs and CDSs were to banks in the 2000s.



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From: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of xDxD.vs.xDxD <xdxd.vs.xdxd at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2021 7:32:14 PM
To: List Aoir <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Air-L] the NFT bandwagon

hi everyone

as you probably have seen Brian Eno has expressed harshly about NFTs:

many have expressed in similar ways, while many others see an opportunity

here, i wanted to share two article i wrote: one now and the previous one
in 2017

the first is this one:

and the previous one is a sort of pre-requisite:

both try to make a cultural/mediological/psychological analysis more
accessible (as you can see, the style and spaces for publication are

i was wondering if anyone here has a similar approach and, of course,
differences and critiques which we can discuss

i wish you all happy holidays, if you can, and best of wishes for those who
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