[Air-L] Sonic Spaces webinar on 'Sounds of the Environment' - February 10th

Jennifer O'Meara omearaja at tcd.ie
Wed Feb 3 09:50:41 PST 2021

*With Apologies for Crossposting *

I'm pleased to share the next event in the *Sonic Spaces webinar series*,
in conjunction with the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research
. The webinar on *Sounds of the Environment *may be of interest to list

Date: Wednesday, February 10th, 7–8pm (UTC), on Zoom. Please register here.

Event description:

>From the soothing sounds of lapping waves and bird song, to the
uncomfortable disruption of construction work and traffic, our daily lives
are subject to a wide range of natural and man-made environmental sounds.
The impact of such sounds on human well-being has led to a range of
interventions in recent years. These include an EU directive to examine
public noise exposure through the creation of noise maps, and artistic
initiatives to introduce professional live music into hospital settings to
improve patients’ experience.

This event will bring together a multi-disciplinary panel to discuss a
range of works that emerge from, or aim to benefit, our experience of
listening in natural, urban and social environments: *Laurence Gill*,
Professor in Environmental Engineering at Trinity, and composer *Norah
Walsh* who will discuss their collaboration on ‘Inception Horizon,’ which
used an understanding of the movement of water through limestone as the
basis of a choral piece inspired by a karst cave system in County
Clare; *Antonella
Radicchi*, an architect and scholar based at TU Berlin, and *Simon Jennings*,
Executive Scientist in the Environment Section of Limerick County Council,
who will introduce the ‘Hush City’ app which empowers people to identify
and assess quiet areas in cities including Limerick; and *Gráinne Hope*, an
Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at Trinity’s Global Brain Health
Institute, who will discuss her work as founder and artistic director of
‘Kids’ Classics’, Ireland’s leading music in healthcare organization.

The panel will be chaired by *Jimmy Eadie*, an artist-engineer based in
Trinity’s Electronic & Electrical Engineering programme, who works within
the field of recording, production and sound design.


The ‘Sonic Spaces’ webinar series will run from November 2020-April 2021. The
series aims to consider the creative possibilities of audio and sound
culture as they relate to issues of society, technology, the environment,
and the body. The series will include contributions from researchers and
practitioners working in the Arts & Humanities, Engineering, Architecture
and the Creative Technologies, among others.

Upcoming webinars :

March 10th: Gendered Soundscapes

April 14th: Culture on the Radio

The Sonic Spaces series is organised by Jennifer O’Meara, School of the
Creative Arts, Trinity College Dublin.

Best wishes,


Dr Jennifer O’Meara
Assistant Professor in Film Studies

Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, School of Creative Arts
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin
Dublin 2, Ireland.

jennifer.omeara at tcd.ie


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