[Air-L] TPRC49 September 2021 Call for Papers

Mansell,RE R.E.Mansell at lse.ac.uk
Fri Feb 26 01:41:12 PST 2021

This conference may be of interest – probably hybrid online/in person.

Please consider submitting your research to TPRC49, the leading academic policy conference for communications, information, and internet on Sept 24-25 in Wash, DC. We accept abstracts for papers, panels, and posters on critical policy issues. Selected papers presented at TPRC are published in top information policy journals and are presented to policy makers on the Hill. Let your students know that we offer a Student Paper Contest for a $1000 cash award and travel stipend. Our event is a great place to advance papers for publication in top journals, gain visibility to policymakers, and network with policy scholars. Check out the Call for Papers http://www.tprcweb.com/tprc49-cfp.  Abstracts are due March 31; student papers for contest, April 30. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates. http://www.tprcweb.com/join-our-email-list. The call for papers is also attached in the PDF. Feel free to share with others. Thanks for your interest.

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