[Air-L] Call for Shared Task Participation at CASE @ ACL-IJCNLP: Socio-political and Crisis Events Detection
ali hürriyetoglu
ali.hurriyetoglu at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 08:50:14 PST 2021
Apologies for cross-posting
Event information detection consists of multiple subsequent steps that
could drastically affect the quality of the resulted event database. Thus,
we believe one must consider a complete scenario that consists of document
and sentence classification as relevant or not, event coreference
resolution, event information extraction, and event classification in
relation to an event taxonomy, and test the results on a list of events
created manually to determine performance of the state-of-the-art on this
With this objective in mind, we organize a shared task on socio-political
and crisis event detection at the workshop CASE @ ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (
https://emw.ku.edu.tr/case-2021/). Although the subtasks form a coherent
flow, task participants can focus on one or more of them. Therefore,
participants can choose the tasks or subtask(s) they would like to
participate in. Participants will have access to all of the data for all
tasks and subtasks. Any combination of these resources to achieve high
performance for any of the tasks is allowed. The tasks and subtasks are:
*Task 1. Multilingual protest news detection*
· Subtask 1: Document classification
o Does a news article contain information about a past or ongoing event?
· Subtask 2: Sentence classification
o Does a sentence contain information about a past or ongoing event?
· Subtask 3: Event sentence coreference identification
o Which event sentences (subtask 2) are about the same event?
· Subtask 4: Event extraction
o What is the event trigger and its arguments?
We particularly focus on events that are in the scope of contentious
politics and characterized by riots and social movements, i.e., the
“repertoire of contention” (Giugni 1998, Tarrow 1994, Tilly 1984), which we
name GLOCON Gold in our operationalization (Hürriyetoğlu et al. 2020a). The
aim of the shared task is to detect and classify socio-political and crisis
event information at document, sentence, cross-sentence, and token levels
in a multilingual setting. The detailed description of the subtasks can be
found in Hürriyetoğlu et al. (2019, 2020b). The data size for English is
increased and data for Portuguese, Spanish, and Hindi are added in this
*Task 2: Fine-grained classification of Socio-political events*
The objective of this task is to evaluate zero-shot learning event
classification approaches to classify short text snippets reporting
socio-political events with fine-grained event types using the Armed
Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) event taxonomy, which
consists of 25 event subtypes pertaining to political violence,
demonstrations (rioting and protesting) and selected non-violent,
politically important events. One should keep in mind that the event
definitions for task 1 and task 2 are not fully compatible.
*Task 3: Discovering Black Lives Matter events in United States*
This task is only an evaluation task where the participants of task 1 will
have the possibility to evaluate their systems on reproducing a manually
curated Black Lives Matter (BLM) related protest event list. Participants
will use document collections provided by us to extract mainly place and
date of the BLM events. The event definition applied for determining these
events is the same as the one facilitated for task 1.
There will be training and test data for each of the tasks and subtasks.
Sample data, submission formats, scripts, baseline scores, application
form, and any additional information will be shared on the dedicated online
repository of the shared task:
https://github.com/emerging-welfare/case-2021-shared-task. Copyright of the
news articles is protected by sharing URLs and code (Docker image) for
retrieving text of the articles using these URLs for subtask 1. In all
other tasks and subtasks only relevant portions of the articles such as
only event sentences will be utilized.
Training Data
Task 1:
This edition of the task 1 extends the data in English and includes
training and test data in Spanish, and Portuguese. The format and
approximate dataset sizes for each task will be comparable to the previous
editions of the subtasks. However, the Spanish and Portuguese training data
for subtasks 3 and 4 will be relatively less.
Task 2:
For the training purposes one will use a relatively large
human-created/coded data set of event type-labeled short text snippets
(circa 600K event records) extracted and curated from ACLED event database.
The training data for this task is the "ACLED-III" event dataset described
in Piskorsky et al. (2020) and available under
Each line of the file in the corpus consists of three tab-delimited
elements, namely: (a) text snippet reporting an event, (b) event main type,
and (c) event subtype. In this subtask the focus is on the classification
of events represented by the text snippets using one of the 25 subtypes
(single-label classification problem).
Task 3:
There will not be any additional training data for the task 3. The systems
developed for task 1 or task 2 should be used to process the test data that
will be provided to the participants.
Test data
Task 1:
Test data for subtasks 1-4 will be in the formats described in Hürriyetoğlu
et al. (2019, 2020b) and %25 of the training data, which is 80/20 split of
the original data. There will be test data in English, Portuguese, and
Spanish for all subtasks. Data in Hindi language will be available only for
evaluation of the multilingual models for the subtask 1.
Task 2:
Test data for this task will be around 1,000 text snippets from news, web
pages reporting socio-political events and artificially created event
descriptions labelled using the ACLED event taxonomy, (not from ACLED). The
registered participants will be provided a single file, where each line
consists of three tab-separated elements, i.e., an ID (integer), followed
by a text snippet reporting an event. The system response files should have
per event a line with the event ID and an event label separated by a tab.
Task 3:
The test set for task 3 will consists of two separate and independent
datasets that are a tweet dataset (tweet IDs) by Giorgi et al. (2020) and a
list of URLs (or document IDs in the target news archive) to news articles.
The code that can be used to access to this data will be provided by the
organizers of the shared task.
Evaluation plan
Evaluation is carried out on the system responses returned by the
participants on the test data for each task. The evaluations will be
performed on Codalab (https://codalab.org/). Each team will be allowed to
submit multiple valid system responses for each task or subtask. The
ranking will be based on the best result of a team. The evaluation metrics
for each task are provided below.
Task 1:
F1-macro will be calculated on the predictions on the test data for the
subtasks 1, 2, and 4. We use conll-03 evaluation script for subtask 4. The
subtask 3 will be evaluated using Adjusted Rand Score for the test data in
each language. There will be a separate evaluation for each subtask in Task
1 using the test data for each separate language, which are English,
Portuguese, Spanish, and Hindi.
Task 2:
The systems will be evaluated mainly using: Precision, Recall, and Micro
and Macro F-1 metrics, where the last two are the most important ones.
Task 3:
The evaluation data will be a list of protest events pertaining to Black
Lives Matter. Each event record should include information such as place
and time of a single event. Spatio-temporal correlation between the
manually curated event list and the submissions will be calculated to
determine the score for each submission, using an adaptation of the method
used in Hammond and Weidman (2014) and applied for analysis of the dynamics
of conflicts (Zavarella et al. 2020).
You can participate either individually or as a team. In any case, you
should provide us with a list consisting of:
- Team name
- A contact person
- Contact email
- A list of the team members.
For the tasks 1 and 3, all members of a team should complete, sign, and
send the application form, which can be found on the shared task repository
with the name
to Ali Hürriyetoğlu (ahurriyetoglu at ku.edu.tr).
For the task 2, there is no need to sign the application form. In order to
participate and register for this task the aforementioned team details
should be sent via email to case2021.task.finegrained at gmail.com.
Participation requests must be completed by the registration deadline, that
is April 8.
Participants in the Shared Task are expected to submit a paper to the CASE
2021 workshop co-located with ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (
https://emw.ku.edu.tr/case-2021/). Submitting a paper is not mandatory for
participating in the Shared Task. Papers must follow the CASE 2021 workshop
submission instructions (ACL 2021 style template:
https://2021.aclweb.org/calls/papers) and will undergo regular peer
review. Their acceptance will not depend on the results obtained in the
shared task, but on the quality of the paper. Authors of accepted papers
will be informed about the evaluation results of their systems prior to the
paper submission deadline (see the important dates).
Please reach us using the following e-mail address for anything you may
think we can support you: Ali Hürriyetoğlu, ahurriyetoglu at ku.edu.tr (Task 1
and Task 3 and any other issue), Jakub Piskorski
case2021.task.finegrained at gmail.com (Task 2), Salvatore Giorgi,
sgiorgi at sas.upenn.edu (Task 3, collecting an on the ground events list and
using the tweet collection). The Github repo of the shared task (
https://github.com/emerging-welfare/case-2021-shared-task will be updated
Important dates
Release of training data for Task 1: March 1, 2021, Task 2: already
Registration deadline: April 8, 2021
Release of test data for all tasks to registered participants: 23 April
Submission of system responses: April 26, 2021 (12:00 CET)
Results announced to participants: April 28, 2021
Shared Task Papers Due: May 10, 2021
Notification of Acceptance: May 28, 2021
Camera-ready papers due: June 7, 2021
CASE 2021 Workshop (presentation of the ST results): August 5-6, 2021
All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (anywhere on Earth) and in the year 2021,
unless otherwise stated above.
* Giorgi, S., Guntuku, S. C., Rahman, M., Himelein-Wachowiak, M., Kwarteng,
A., & Curtis, B. (2020). Twitter corpus of the# blacklivesmatter movement
and counter protests: 2013 to 2020. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.00596. URL:
https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.00596, Dataset: https://zenodo.org/record/4056563,
GitHub: https://github.com/sjgiorgi/blm_twitter_corpus
* Giugni, Marco G. (1998). Was It Worth the Effort? The Outcomes and
Consequences of Social Movements. Annual Review of Sociology 24 (January):
371–93. 1998. URL:
* Hammond, J., & Weidmann, N. B. (2014). Using machine-coded event data for
the micro-level study of political violence. Research & Politics, 1 (2).
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2053168014539924
* Hürriyetoğlu A., Yörük E., Yüret D., Mutlu O., Yoltar Ç., Duruşan
F., Gürel B. (2020a). Cross-context News Corpus for Protest Events
related Knowledge Base Construction. In the Proceedings of Automatic
Knowledge Base Construction Conference. URL:
* Hürriyetoğlu A., Zavarella V., Tanev H., Yörük E., Safaya A., and
Mutlu O. (2020b) Automated extraction of socio-political events from
news (AESPEN): Workshop and shared task report. In Proceedings of the
Workshop on Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from News,
pages 1{6, Marseille, France, May 2020. European Language Resources
Association (ELRA). ISBN 979-10-95546-50-4. URL:
* Hürriyetoğlu A., Yörük E., Yüret D., Yoltar Ç., , Gürel B., Duruşan
F., Mutlu O., and Akdemir A. (2019) Overview of Clef 2019 Lab
Protestnews: Extracting Protests from News in a Cross-context Setting.
In Proceedings of the Conference Experimental IR Meets
Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction, pages 425{432, Cham,
2019b. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-030-28577-7. URL:
* Piskorski, J., Haneczok, J., & Jacquet, G. (2020). New Benchmark
Corpus and Models for Fine-grained Event Classification: To BERT or
not to BERT?. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on
Computational Linguistics (pp. 6663-6678). URL:
Tarrow, S. (1994). Power in Movement: Social Movements, Collective Action
and Politics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. URL:
Tilly, C. (1984). Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons. New
York: Russell Sage Foundation. URL:
Zavarella, V., Piskorski, J., Ignat, C., Tanev, H., & Atkinson, M. (2020).
Mastering the Media Hype: Methods for Deduplication of Conflict Events from
News Reports. In Proceedings of the Workshop Proceedings of the Artificial
Intelligence for Narratives (AI4Narratives). URL:
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