[Air-L] New CDT Report on Disinformation, Race, and Gender.

Dhanaraj Thakur dthakur at cdt.org
Thu Feb 11 10:31:00 PST 2021

Hi all,

We published a new report from CDT 
that assesses what we know about online disinformation and identifies 
the main research gaps in terms of race, gender, and intersectionality. 
It also looks at some of the methodological problems we face when 
tackling these questions and how we might address them. While the 
research we draw on is mostly US based, we think the analysis can be 
relevant to other contexts too. We plan to build on these findings for 
future work in this area.

Feel free to share, and it would also be great to get your feedback.

take care,



*Dhanaraj Thakur* (he/him) | Research Director
Center for Democracy & Technology |*cdt.org <https://cdt.org/>*
*E:* dthakur at cdt.org <mailto:dthakur at cdt.org> | *P:* +1 202 407 8849 | 

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