[Air-L] 12 Streams 2020 #7 – Internet Society Action Plan 2021 – Dawit Bekele

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Fri Jan 1 16:07:35 PST 2021

The ISOC 2021 Action Plan is yet to be formally introduced to the community
- an event is scheduled for later in January - however Dawit Bekele did
give it a quick going over during the Africa Q4 call. Apart from the
introduction of the Impact Assessment Kit
and the new Insights <https://insights.internetsociety.org/>platform, there
is a new emphasis on Community empowerment, and diversifying funding and

ISOC Live posted: "Today, Friday January 1 2021, at 7:00pm EST (00:00 UTC)
in the seventh instalment of the Internet Society Livestreaming‘s ‘12 Days
of Streams‘ 2020 highlights, we feature Internet Society Regional Vice
President Dawit Bekele giving a quick overview of the"

[image: livestream] <https://livestream.com/internetsociety/12streams2020-7>
Today,* Friday January 1 2021*, at *7:00pm EST* (00:00 UTC) in the seventh
instalment of the *Internet Society Livestreaming <https://isoc.live>*‘s ‘*12
Days of Streams <https://isoc.live/?s=%2312streams>*‘ 2020 highlights, we
feature Internet Society Regional Vice President *Dawit Bekele
<https://www.internetsociety.org/author/bekele/>* giving a quick overview
of the newly released *2021 Action Plan
<https://www.internetsociety.org/action-plan/2021/>*, during the *Africa
Region Community Engagement Call <http://bit.ly/Q42020ISOCAFRICA>* on 9
December 2020.

*VIEW ON LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/12streams2020-7

*TWITTER #12STREAMS  @Dawit_Bekele @InternetSociety @ISOC_Community
@ISOC_Africa #InternetForEveryone*

*https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*


*http://bit.ly/Q42020ISOCAFRICA <http://bit.ly/Q42020ISOCAFRICA>* (EN/FR)



Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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