[Air-L] 4+ PhD Scholarships at Deakin University

Luke H l.heemsbergen at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 00:07:23 PDT 2021

4+ exciting PhD Scholarships available that will be of interest of to AOIR friends and family. Please let them seep into your networks and have interested candidates respond with expressions of interest (see below) before the 1st of October.

1 & 2)  "Making Motion Tangible” is a project that offers 2 scholarships for PhD candidates in a collaborative cotutelle arrangement that sees each candidate spend at least one year at Deakin (AUS) and Coventry (UK) to develop complementary research strands. Both strands will explore the application of embodied knowledge and experience in the context of practical experimentation with novel immersive multimodal haptic interfaces (eg. TESLA suits) aimed at enriching human interactions between the digital and the physical. Prospective candidates should have a background in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), media studies, serious games and/or other digital research (including accessibility and healthtech) interested in full body movement or embodied design principles. Please speak to Stefan Greuter (Deakin - stefan.greuter at deakin.edu.au) or Scott Delahunta (Coventry - aa9576 at coventry.ac.uk) for more information on applying. Project details are here: https://www.deakin.edu.au/study/fees-and-scholarships/scholarships/find-a-scholarship/deakin-coventry-cotutelle-making-motion-tangible

3 & 4) Deakin’s Global Digital Publics Network is interested in funding PhD projects that push knowledge on how digital media connect, transform, augment, and govern publics. One specific project (led by David Marshall - david.marshall at deakin.edu.au) will investigate influencers who make digital identities and personas visible in ways that move across national, language, and cultural divides. The techniques employed by these influencers may provide intercultural pathways that reflect an extension of the GDPN’s research into the active curation of emotion in digital culture shaping experiences that have previously been identified within language and national/ethnic cultural groups; this work may also identify new forms of cultural politics including how state actors are entering this space. One specific project (led by Luke Heemsbergen - luke.h at deakin.edu.au) will consider how the socialisation of Augmented Reality (AR) creates novel forms of identity, surveillance, and publics. It may ask how industry, research, and users react, engage, and reconfigure AR media in novel practices afforded in context. It will apply a critical methodology to technical fields to produce new insights into AR as socio-technical media infrastructures, asking how we use AR and how AR uses us. Application process is as below.

5+) Deakin’s research networks are offering funding for up to 8 other PhD scholarships that may be of interest to AOIR members via the School of Communication and Creative Arts. The research priorities that can be found here: https://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/research-projects-and-scholarships . Application process is below. 

Apply now through Deakin’s two-stage application process (EOI+Application).
Faculty of Arts and Education Expressions of Interest <https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/faculties/artsed/research> close 1 October 2021 
Full online applications <https://apps.deakin.edu.au/research/hdr-application/?_ga=2.24836792.365768756.1624227515-43550400.1622189400> for the next scholarship round close 31 October 2021
Faculty expressions of interest must be received at least 4 weeks prior (1 October) to the complete application deadline (31 October).
More Info: https://www.deakin.edu.au/study/fees-and-scholarships/scholarships/find-a-scholarship/rtp-and-duprs

Dr Luke Heemsbergen  <https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=pZlj0LcAAAAJ&hl=en>| Lecturer, Communication, SCCA
Co-Convener Global Digital Publics Network <https://adi.deakin.edu.au/global-digital-publics>; Co-Lead Immersive Realities - Deakin Motion Lab <https://motionlab.deakin.edu.au/> 
Member, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation <https://adi.deakin.edu.au/> | Science and Society Network <https://blogs.deakin.edu.au/science-and-society-network/>
C5.20.01, Burwood | +61 3 924 68786 | Deakin University, Australia

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