[Air-L] Visiting Assistant Professors in Informatics at UAlbany

Jackson, Sam sdjackson at albany.edu
Sat Jul 17 08:57:34 PDT 2021

The University at Albany’s Informatics program is searching for multiple Visiting Assistant Professors to start in Fall 2021 (soon!). Full details can be found here: https://albany.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp;jsessionid=69C3166DDCDF69702CD2E1B1664C68C6;jsessionid=A7C71918B65867E83672BD7366613A79?JOBID=132683&CNTRNO=0&TSTMP=0&fbclid=IwAR1PfTPEeYP3lGVcitGOpihpCMiemO_56e0nHA31e-7qp6BqoP_PUqwB-8M#.
A few details from that job listing:

  *   “Candidates' focus within Informatics is open, but may include: software development, IoT, IUX, HCI, cybersecurity, data analytics/data science, and web science.”
  *   “The Visiting Assistant Professors will teach a 3-3 academic year load, maintain a full graduate advising load, and perform other college or university service as requested.”
  *   “The position will be appointed for one year, with one-year option for renewal.”
  *   *”Professional Rank and Salary Range: Visiting Assistant Professor - $75,000 - $80,000”*

I’m not on the search committee, but I’m happy to track down answers to any questions.


Sam Jackson
Assistant Professor
College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity
University at Albany

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