[Air-L] references on the materiality of media technologies and their imaginaries

Corinne Cath corinnecath at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 06:19:00 PDT 2021

Dear Hamlet,

Here are some great reads, its not all quite users take on the materiality
of bits but does include some pieces on that.


Kind regards,

Dr. Corinne Cath
Oxford Internet Institute & Alan Turing Institute

Web: www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/corinne-cath & www.corinnecath.com
Email: ccath at turing.ac.uk & corinnecath at gmail.com
Twitter: @C__CS

On Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 3:58 PM Hamlet Lopez <hamletres at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am looking for references on how users imagine the materiality of
> digital media technologies, how do they explain its possible
> malfunction and how they disseminate this knowledge in virtual
> communities. I would appreciate any suggestions in this regard,
> especially if they are from open access journals or books.
> Sincerely thanks,
> --
> Dr.C. Hamlet López García
> Investigador Auxiliar
> Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural
> "Juan Marinello"
> Profesor Auxiliar
> Universidad de la Habana
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Dr. Corinne Cath
Oxford Internet Institute & Alan Turing Institute

Web: www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/corinne-cath & www.corinnecath.com
Email: ccath at turing.ac.uk & corinnecath at gmail.com
Twitter: @C__CS

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