[Air-L] ANZCA conference deadline Extension

Scott Wright scott.wright at monash.edu
Thu Mar 4 16:41:33 PST 2021

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know:

*The deadline for submission of abstracts and panel proposals for has been
extended until Friday 12 March 2021. *

This year’s conference, taking place from 6-9 July 2021 at the University
of Melbourne, will centre on the theme of ‘Community, Authority and Power
and Panel Proposals accepted for this year’s conference can be presented
in person at University of Melbourne, or virtually for those unable to

We welcome submissions for abstracts and panels on a wide range of topics
in contemporary communication, digital media and cultural studies, as well
as related areas such as journalism, political and historical studies,
sociology and creative practice.

Abstracts submitted for ANZCA 2021 will be considered for potential
inclusion as full, peer-reviewed articles in special issues of the two
ANZCA-affiliated journals, Media International Australia
and Communication
Research and Practice
to be published following the conference.


*Abstract Submission*

   - Maximum of 350 words
   - Indicate which stream you prefer
   - Nominate how you will attend (in person or virtually)

*Panel Proposals*

   - 3-4 speakers
   - 150 – 300 words justifying the panel
   - Additional information (maximum 300 words)

Further information, including speaker details, is available on the ANZCA
2021 website, which will be updated regularly in the lead-up to the

To submit an abstract or panel proposal, click here
For abstract & panel submission information click here
Information on the event and registration pricing can be found here

We look forward to your submission!

*ANZCA Conference Team*

E: conference at anzca.org <Conference at anzca.org>

Professor of Political Communication and Journalism
School of Media, Film and Journalism
Monash University


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