[Air-L] [Publication - Special Issue] - RESET n°10 - Uncertain Knowledge. Studying 'Truth' and 'Conspiracy' in a Digital Age
Baptiste Kotras
baptiste.kotras at u-pem.fr
Fri May 21 01:32:33 PDT 2021
Dear readers,
** With apologies for cross-posting **
The journal RESET. Social Science Research on the Internet is pleased to announce the publication of its 10th issue in free online access ( [ https://reset.revues.org/ | https://reset.revues.org/ ] ). This issue contains a thematic dossier, “Uncertain Knowledge. Studying 'conspiracies' and 'truths' in the digital age” , edited by Henri Boullier, Baptiste Kotras and Ignacio Siles, the contents of which you will find below. Most of the papers are in French, but we translated the introduction for an international audience. Please do not hesitate to circulate this within your networks!
Henri Boullier , Baptiste Kotras & Ignacio Siles , "Uncertain knowledge. Studying 'conspiracies' and 'truths' in the digital age".
[ https://journals.openedition.org/reset/2698 | https://journals.openedition.org/reset/2698 ]
Elsa Jaubert & Vassili Rivron , « Aux frontières du fact-checking. Le ‘complotisme’ comme révélateur des normes et des logiques d’un nouveau genre journalistique ».
[ https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3173 | https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3173 ]
Romain Badouard , « Fausses informations, vraies indignations ? Les ‘ fake news ’ comme support des discussions politiques du quotidien ».
[ https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3175 | https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3175 ]
Gaël Stephan & Ysé Vauchez , « Dévoiler les ‘bobards’ des médias dominants
Les stratégies de (dé)légitimation de la réinformation ».
[ https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3180 | https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3180 ]
Antonin Segault , « Du tritium dans les gros titres. Rumeurs anxiogènes et remise en cause des médias sur Twitter ».
[ https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3185 | https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3185 ]
Mélissa Roy , « ‘Ils sont terrifiés par la médecine occidentale’. Analyse des cadres accusatoires dans les médias sociaux entourant les pratiques funéraires traditionnelles lors d’Ebola ».
[ https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3190 | https://journals.openedition.org/reset/3190 ]
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in addition to our thematic calls for papers, we will be happy to read any submission of articles following our permanent calls for papers in the Varia ( [ https://reset.revues.org/616/ | https://reset.revues.org/616/ ] ) and Updating the Classics ( [ https://reset.revues.org/375/ | https://reset.revues.org/375/ ] ) sections.
The issue coordinators, and editorial board of RESET
Baptiste KOTRAS
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