[Air-L] WEBCAST WED-FRI: Papua New Guinea National ICT Summit 2021

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Nov 9 14:47:24 PST 2021

The way that things work, 8:30am Weds in Papua New Guinea is 5:30pm Tue on
the US East Coast, so primetime viewing! They do not tweet much in PNG, so
best form of participation is via Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/pngdict>.  The link for day 1 real time text is

This simulcast is sponsored by the *Internet Society Pacific Islands
Chapter <https://picisoc.org/>* (PICISOC).

ISOC Live posted: "On Wednesday-Friday 10-12 November 2021 the Papua New
Guinea National ICT Summit will be held at the APEC Haus in Port Moresby
and online, with the theme 'Enhancing our economy through ICT and digital
transformation'. Organized by PNG Department of Inform"

[image: livestream] <http://livestream.com/internetsociety3/pngict>On
10-12 November 2021* the *Papua New Guinea National ICT Summit
<https://ict.gov.pg/welcome-to-the-national-ict-summit-2021/>* will be held
at the APEC Haus in Port Moresby and online, with the theme '*Enhancing our
economy through ICT and digital transformation*'. Organized by *PNG
Department of Information & Communications Technology <https://ict.gov.pg/>*,
the summit aims to cover some of the current global ICT trends and
practices and align those with PNGs efforts, with the goal of rebuilding
and enhancing the economy to the use of ICT in various sectors and

*AGENDA https://archive.org/download/pngict/PNGICT_AGENDA.pdf

*LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety3/pngict

*REAL TIME TEXT* (see ISOC.LIVE <https://isoc.live/14751>)

*TWITTER #PNGICT <http://bit.ly/PNGICT> @nictapng @PNGEduNews #PNG*

*https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*
*https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/ <https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/> *(AI
<https://www.facebook.com/isocasiapacific/> (AI Captions)
*https://www.facebook.com/pngdict <https://www.facebook.com/pngdict>*

*https://archive.org/details/pngict <https://archive.org/details/pngict>*


Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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