[Air-L] Call for Chapters-New book on Inclusive Games!

Kat Schrier Shaenfield kschrier at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 12:07:24 PST 2021

Hi all-

I am excited to announce a call for chapters for the fourth book in
the *Learning,
Education & Games* series, published by ETC Press:

Learning, Education, & Games Volume 4: 50 Games to Use for Inclusion,
Equity, and Justice

Editor: Karen “Kat" Schrier & ???

Submit a short proposal
the book!

Deadline for Initial “5-Minute” Proposals: December 9, 2021

Notification of Acceptance: By January 7, 2022

First Draft Due: April 1, 2022

Quick summary:

For the fourth volume of the Learning, Education, & Games series, we aim to
create a practical guide for how to use games for supporting inclusion,
compassion, care, equity, and justice—in the classroom and beyond. This is
a guide, aimed at educators, who want to use games that create inclusive
communities, and enhance equity and justice for marginalized students.

The guide will include at least 50 case studies of games/interactive
experiences that could be used for education (including K-12, preschool,
and higher education).

Each case study will be approximately 1000 words (or fewer). The case
studies will be peer-reviewed (double anonymized) and editorially reviewed,
though the initial proposals will only be editorially reviewed.

The focus will be on anti-racist, inclusive, and equitable uses and designs
of games. This includes how to use games not explicitly designed for
inclusion, as well as how to incorporate games that are purposefully
designed for inclusion in some way.

Submit a short proposal
the book!

For more about the book and details about the series, please see this

We welcome academics, researchers, educators, equity experts, counselors,
principals, designers, developers, journalists, and YOU!

Co-editor: I may include a co-editor on this book! Please apply if you are
highly motivated, organized, flexible, and love lots and lots of editing. I
am particularly looking for a co-editor with a strong interest in gaming,
as well as inclusion, equity, and justice. It would also be great if you
don’t mind lots of tedious formatting. :) If you are interested, please
email a resume and/or website/portfolio to Kat Schrier at kschrier at gmail.com


Dr. Karen (Kat) Schrier

Associate Professor & Director, Games & Emerging Media program, Marist
Game Design Consultant, World Health Organization (WHO) Academy
Author, *We the Gamers* <https://gamesforcivics.com/> (Oxford University
Author, *Knowledge Games
<https://jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/content/knowledge-games>* (Johns Hopkins
University Press)
Editor, *Learning, Education, & Games <https://gamesforgrowing.com/>
book *series
(ETC Press/Carnegie Mellon)
Author, Designing Ourselves <https://www.adl.org/media/13011/download> (Center
for Technology & Society)
*Please call me Kat or Dr. Kat (She/They)*

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