[Air-L] New Article on NATO Strategic Communication and Interview

Dr. Emma Briant teflpolsoc at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 12:07:58 PDT 2021

Dear Friends,
After official investigations were prompted by both my own research into a
company spun off from the #CambridgeAnalytica parent firm to work for
militaries and reporting in the Ottawa Citizen on the targeting of Canadian
citizens, I am writing to share my article on what the investigations mean
not just for Canada but for other countries within NATO. Do check out my
new article: 'Briant: Canadian military’s bungled propaganda campaigns
should be a lesson across NATO'
the Ottawa Citizen.

Also, on a lighter note at 3pm ET (8pm GMT) ie NOW you can watch a zanier
than usual interview with me about propaganda on The Committee Program youtube
channel <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvI6bQnSlTg&feature=youtu.be>.

Have a good day!

Dr Emma L Briant
Independent Researcher/Author/Analyst
Website: www.emma-briant.co.uk
Author of: *Propaganda and Counter-Terrorism: Strategies for Global
Change *from
Manchester University Press
Co-Author of: *Bad News for Refugees* with Prof. Greg Philo and Dr. Pauline
Donald from Pluto Press.
Follow me on Twitter @emmalbriant

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