[Air-L] 2 Research Assistant Roles: First RespondXR

Leonie Tanczer ltanczer01 at qub.ac.uk
Wed Oct 13 05:19:04 PDT 2021

Hi Everyone,

We are looking for two Research Assistants that could work part-time on our "First RespondXR<https://spritehub.org/2021/08/20/first-respondxr-digital-vulnerability-of-immersive-training-for-first-responders/>" project which looks at the vulnerabilities of immersive training for first responders, specifically English law enforcement officers.

Here are the two adverts:
Research Assistant - Social Science Expertise ref: 1034479 - https://portal.unitemps.com/Search/JobDetails/24218285
Research Assistant - Legal Expertise ref: 1034480 - https://portal.unitemps.com/Search/JobDetails/24218324

If an applicant meets the requirements for both roles, the jobs could be combined, enabling a person to work 32 hours (rather than the 16 hours for each RA post).

Please be aware that we are only able to hire individuals that have the right to work in the UK.

Please share this information with your students and other networks!

Best wishes,
Dr Leonie Maria Tanczer

Lecturer in International Security and Emerging Technologies
Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy
University College London

Twitter: @leotanczt
Website: http://www.leonietanczer.net/
Key Fingerprint: 9F21 A6A6 913E 1393 1BC6 73DA EBEF 07A4 F61F 79DA

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