[Air-L] WEBCAST WED: ‘The Decade of Digital Inclusion: Issues That Keep Us Up at Night’ @MarconiSociety

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Sep 14 22:39:00 PDT 2021

After yesterday's excursion into Internet History <https://isoc.live/14520/>,
today our attention turns to the future, the task at hand, and the pitfalls
that may exist along the way.

[image: livestream] <http://livestream.com/internetsociety/marconidecade%20>
On *Wednesday September 15 2021* at *11:00-12:00 EDT* (15:00-16:00
UTC) the *Marconi
Society <https://www.marconisociety.org/>* will host a panel '*The Decade
of Digital Inclusion: Issues That Keep Us Up at Night
Experts from technology, policy, and digital inclusion will join forces to
describe what the future could look like, the questions we need to answer,
and the different points of view we have to consider. This will set the
stage for the forthcoming Marconi Society Master Class and Symposium, *The
Decade of Digital Inclusion <https://marconisociety.org/decade>*.

*Vint Cerf*, Google
*Jane Coffin*, Internet Society
*Joseph Kakande*, Facebook
*Muriel Médard*, MIT
*Colin Rhinesmith*, Simmons University
*MODERATOR*: *Sir David Payne*, Southampton University

*LIVESTREAM: http://livestream.com/internetsociety/marconidecade

*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/2WR2LLc <https://bit.ly/2WR2LLc>*

*REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/2YYWxKn <https://bit.ly/2YYWxKn>*

*TWITTER #DecadeOfDigitalInclusion
<http://bit.ly/DecadeOfDigitalInclusion> @MarconiSociety @vgcerf
@jane_coffin Joseph Kakande @Facebook Muriel Médard @MIT @crhinesmith Sir
David Payne @orctweets #digitalinclusion #internetforeveryone*

*https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.twitter.com/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*
*https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/ <https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/>* (AI




Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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