[Air-L] Subject: E-Vote-ID 2021: Call for Participation, Demos & Posters
peter.roenne at uni.lu
Wed Sep 1 15:39:12 PDT 2021
[Apologies for cross and multiple postings]
Conference programme now available
Two weeks to submission deadline for
Submission deadline: September 15
E-Vote-ID 2021
Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting
Virtual Conference, 5-8 October 2021
WWW: https://www.e-vote-id.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EVoteID/
Twitter: @evotingcc
Hashtag: #EVoteID2021
Registration Fees:
*Presenters (also Demo Session presenters): 324 EUR
*Attendants (also PhD Colloquium presenters): 72 EUR
Keynote Speakers
Toomas Hendrik Ilves (Former President of Estonia)
Matthew Masterson (Non Resident Policy Fellow, Stanford Internet Observatory)
Dan Popescu (Head of the Department of Democracy and Governance, Council of Europe)
Programme and accepted papers
Track on Posters and E-Voting System Demo
Chair: Glondu, Stéphane (Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies du Numérique, France)
We invite demonstrations of electronic voting systems and related software, and posters on e-voting topics in general, to be presented on Wednesday 6 October, 19:00 CET. Due to the digital format of the conference this year, the session will consist of short online pitch sessions and discussion using the wonder.me platform
Participation is open to all participants at the conference, but for demos we request a Short Paper (two pages) by 15 September submitted via
Easychair describing system requirements and properties, e.g.:
- whether the system is intended for use in controlled (i.e. in polling
stations) or uncontrolled environments (i.e. remotely via the Internet
or in kiosks);
- which types of elections it accommodates;
- whether it addresses needs of voters with disabilities;
- what sort of verifiability it provides;
- the extent to which it guarantees voter privacy;
- whether it has been deployed in a real election;
- how to obtain more information.
The E-Voting System Demo-type of submissions will be published online in the University of Tartu press proceedings.
The submission of poster type can be of preliminary or finished work on the topics mentioned in the conference topics below. Poster presentations will give you a chance to present your work and get feedback from other attendees. To join the session, it is necessary to prepare a Short Paper of maximum two pages and submit this by September 15 via Easychair. The submission for posters will not not appear in the proceedings.
Submission link:
Programme Committee
General Chairs
Krimmer, Robert (University of Tartu, EE)
Volkamer, Melanie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE)
Duenas-Cid, David (Kozminski University, PL)
Track Chairs
Track on Security, Usability, and Technical Issues
Kulyk, Oksana (IT University of Copenhagen, DK)
Rønne, Peter (Univeresity of Luxembourg, LU)
Track on Elections and Practical Experiences
Martin-Rozumilowicz, Beata (IFES, US)
Hofer, Thomas (Objectif Securité, CH)
Track on Administrative, Legal, Political, and Social Issues
Solvak, Mihkel (University of Tartu, EE)
Germann, Micha (University of Bath, UK)
PhD Colloquium
Krivonosova, Iuliia (Tallinn University of Technology, EE)
Zollinger, Marie Laure (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Outreach Chairs
Rønne, Peter (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Krivonosova, Iuliia (Tallinn University of Technology, EE)
Track on Security, Usability, and Technical Issues Programme Committee
Araujo, Roberto (Universidade Federal do Pará, BR)
Beckert, Bernhard (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE)
Benaloh, Josh (Microsoft Research, US)
Bernhard, Matthew (Univerity of Michigan, US)
Blanchard, Enka (Université de Lorreine, FR)
Budurushi, Jurlind (Cloudical Deutschland GmbH, DE)
Clark, Jeremy (Concordia University, CA)
Cortier, Véronique (INRIA-LORIA, FR)
Dragan, Constantin Catalin (University of Surrey, UK)
Essex, Aleksander (Western University, CA)
Gibson, Paul (Telecom SudParis, FR)
Giustolisi, Rosario (IT University Copenhagen, DK)
Gjosteen, Kristian (NTNU Trondheim, NO)
Goré, Rajeev (Australian National University, AU)
Grimm, Rüdiger (University of Koblenz, DE)
Haenni, Rolf (Bern University of Applied Science, CH)
Haines, Thomas (NTNU, NO)
Kremer, Steve (INRIA, FR)
Kuesters, Ralf (University of Stuttgart, DE)
Müller, Johannes (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Naumann, Stephan (Darmstadt Technical University, DE)
Pereira, Olivier (UC Louvain, BE)
Ryan, Peter Y.A. (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Schneider, Steve (University of Surrey, UK)
Schoenmakers, Berry (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Schürmann, Carsten (IT University Copenhagen, DK)
Teague, Vanessa (University of Melbourne, AU)
Truderung, Tomasz (Polyas, DE)
Wen, Roland (UNSW Sydney, AU)
Willemson, Jan (Cybernetica, EE)
Zagorski, Filip (Wroclaw University of Technology, PL)
Track on Administrative, Legal, Political and Social Issues Programme Committee
Aranyossy, Marta (Corvinus University, HU)
Barrat, Jordi (EVOL2 – eVoting Research Lab, ES)
Dandoy, Régis (Universidad San Francisco de Quito, EC)
Darnolf, Staffan (IFES, US)
Eenma-Dimitrieva, Helena (University of Tartu, EE)
Goodman, Nicole (University of Toronto, CA)
Kersting, Norbert (University of Münster, DE)
Musiał-Karg, Magdalena (Adam Mickiewicz University, PL)
Nemaslaki, András (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU)
Nurmi, Hannu (University of Turku, FI)
Pammett, Jon (University of Carleton, CA)
Reniu, Josep Maria (University of Barcelona, ES)
Sasvari, Peter (National University of Public Service, HU)
Serdült, Uwe (Ritsumeikan University, JP)
Soares, Delfina (UNU-EGOV, PT)
Vinkel, Priit (National Election Commission, EE)
Track on Election and Practical Experience Programme Committee
Bismark, David (Votato, SE)
Boyce, Stephen (IFES, US)
Bull, Christian (Telenor, NO)
Caarls, Susanne (Independent Expert, NL)
Catozzi, Gianpiero (EC-UNDP, BE)
Chanussot, Thomas (Independent Expert, FR)
Driza Maurer, Ardita (Independent Expert, CH)
Egger, Philipp (State Chancellery of St. Gallen, CH)
Franklin, Joshua (OutStack, US)
Leclère, Olivier (State of Geneva, CH)
Loeber, Leontine (Council of State, NL)
Macias, Ryan (Independent Expert, US)
McDermott, Ronan (Independent Expert, CH)
Misev, Vladimir (Senior Election Advisor - OSCE/ODIHR, PL)
Past, Liisa (Chief National Cyber Risk Officer, EE)
Petrov, Goran (Independent Expert, MK)
Plante, Stephanie (University of Ottawa, CA)
Spycher, Oliver (Federal Chancellery, CH)
Vollan, Kåre (Quality AS, NO)
Yard, Mike (Independent Expert, US)
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