[Air-L] NEW BOOK: tumblr by Katrin Tiidenberg, Natalie Ann Hendry & CrystalAbidin

Katrin Tiidenberg katrin.tiidenberg at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 03:35:26 PDT 2021

Dear colleagues, 

Natalie Ann Hendry, Crystal Abidin and I are happy to share our labor of love / fruit of a decade of research - a new book on Tumblr (and more broadly digital cultures and social media). Polity has very kindly offered us a 20% discount (promo code below) to share with the community. 

I’ve also uploaded an extended table of contents here <https://www.dropbox.com/s/praws58qnpaplbu/tumblr%20toc.pdf?dl=0>, if you’re curious on what we talk about. 

We’re happy to do talks. If you read the book / teach with it (there’s also an email address for free exam copies below), do please let us know, feedback is love :). 


Katrin Tiidenberg 

by Katrin Tiidenberg, Natalie Ann Hendry & Crystal Abidin
Katrin Tiidenberg, Natalie Ann Hendry, and Crystal Abidin offer the first systematic guide to tumblr and its crucial role in shaping internet culture. Drawing on a decade of qualitative data, they trace the prominent social media practices of creativity, curation, and community-making, and reveal tumblr’s cultlike appeal and position in the social media ecosystem.
"Sharp, perceptive, and empirically solid, this book is nothing short of a scholarly eulogy to the platform and community that tumblr used to be." Jenny Sundén,    Karlstad University 
"So much more than just an overview of tumblr, this book is a generous examination of an all too rare form of online sociality – and a platform designed to help it thrive. It is also a sharp reminder that, though platforms can protect their communities, they can just as easily cut them off at the knees."Tarleton Gillespie, Microsoft Research
UK: September 2021 / US: November 2021 | Paperback 978-1-5095-4109-6 | £15.99 / €19.90 / $22.95
20% discount*: go to politybooks.com <http://politybooks.com/> and use code POL21 (*promo code is valid until 31/12/2021)
Free exam copies are available to full time professors teaching classes of over 12 students for whom this book may be appropriate as a core text. For more information, get in touch with us at ukmarketing at politybooks.com <mailto:ukmarketing at politybooks.com>
John Wiley & Sons Limited is a private limited company registered in England with registered number 641132. Registered office address: The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom. PO19 8SQ.

Katrin Tiidenberg

Osaluskultuuri professor / Professor of Participatory Culture
BFM, Tallinn University <https://www.tlu.ee/en/bfm>

Recently published:
Davidjants, J., & Tiidenberg, K. (2021). Activist memory narration on social media: Armenian genocide on Instagram. New Media & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444821989634 <https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444821989634>

Eesti digikultuuri manifest (2021) <https://www.tlu.ee/pood/home/328-eesti-digikultuuri-manifest.html>
Kuidas mõista andmestunud maailma?Metodoloogiline teejuht (2021) <https://www.tlu.ee/pood/home/325-kuidas-moista-andmestunud-maailma-metodoloogiline-teejuht.html>
Metaphors of the Internet <https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/72208> (2020)
Sex and Social Media <https://books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/Sex-and-Social-Media/?k=9781839094095> (2020)
Selfies, why we love (and hate) them <https://www.amazon.com/Selfies-Love-Hate-Them-SocietyNow/dp/1787437175> (2018)
Ihu ja hingega internetis <https://www.tlu.ee/pood/home/242-ihu-ja-hingega-internetis-kuidas-moista-sotsiaalmeediat.html> (2017)

Executive Boards:
Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) <https://aoir.org/>, Secretary
Estonian Young Academy of Sciences / Eesti Noorte Teaduste Akadeemia <https://www.akadeemia.ee/enta/>, Communication Manager

More info:
personal website <https://kkatot.tumblr.com/>
Estonian Research Information system profile <https://www.etis.ee/CV/Katrin_Tiidenberg/est?lang=ENG>

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