[Air-L] Keynote at SIGDOC 2021 Conference

Luke Thominet lthomine at fiu.edu
Fri Sep 17 13:39:26 PDT 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We're pleased to announce the first keynote at the SIGDOC 2021 conference: Progress, Promise, and Perils in User Experience: A Midterm Report Card by Russell J. Branaghan.

Dr. Branaghan is President of Research Collective, a Human Factors and User Experience (UX) consulting firm and laboratory in Tempe, AZ, and Professor Emeritus of Human Systems Engineering and UX at Arizona State University (ASU). In his keynote, Dr. Branaghan will discuss the transdisciplinary roots of UX in the 1982 ACM SIGCHI (Computer-Human Interaction) conference, the progress that UX has made in the past four decades, and changes we need to make to achieve our potential. More information about Dr. Branaghan's keynote<https://sigdoc.acm.org/conference/2021/keynote-by-russell-j-branaghan/> can be found on the SIGDOC 2021 website.

Registration<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/sigdoc.acm.org/conference/2021/registration/__;!!FjuHKAHQs5udqho!ZApTRPPzcpeHvei7-orTjL6WskCiveZiDIh4jMKsCJBhTkwZghcCsVWUhfZ6VCI$> for SIGDOC 2021 is now open. We're looking forward to seeing you at the conference on October 12-14!

Luke Thominet
SIGDOC Communications Manager

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