[Air-L] New Round for Master of Science in Learning Analytics (University of Texas at Arlington)

Vitomir Kovanovic Vitomir.Kovanovic at unisa.edu.au
Sat Sep 25 17:19:19 PDT 2021

[apologies for multiple copies]

Hi all,

The University of Texas at Arlington is currently accepting applications for the second cohort of our Master of Science in Learning Analytics program in the Department of Psychology. Applications are due November 19 with the next term starting in January.

The program is 100% online, does not require any travel to the university, and includes a special tuition model to substantially reduce the cost for prospective out-of-state and international students. If you know someone who might be interested, please share with them!

To learn more, visit https://go.uta.edu/msla

UTA M.S. in Learning Analytics

Interactions in digital environments produce data. Learning analytics is the field of study that uses this data to understand what individuals have learned, how teams perform most effectively, and the networks that support social and organizational knowledge development. The University of Texas at Arlington's Master of Science in Learning Analytics (MSLA) is the world's first fully online program intended for individuals who want to pursue a career in fields that are impacted by the digitization of learning, sensemaking, and knowledge processes in complex information environments.

The 36-credit hour program offers two pathways, with one requiring a traditional research thesis and the other requiring a capstone project. Additionally, students following both paths will complete six core courses and electives that suit their needs and contexts.
Why Learning Analytics?

Learning analytics is a rapidly growing area of research and practice that uses data science to make sense of the world and to improve teaching, learning, and knowledge processes in a variety of contexts, such as informal settings, schools, universities, corporations, and non-profit organizations. It sits at the nexus of learning science, education, computer science, and psychology and uses a range of analytics approaches.

Course Listing
LAPS 5310 - Learning Analytics Fundamentals
LAPS 5320 - Experimental Design & Methodology
LAPS 5330 - Psychology of Learning & Learning Sciences
LAPS 5340 - Big Data Methods
LAPS 5350 - Privacy & Ethics in Learning Analytics
LAPS 5360 - Introduction to Data Analysis and R
LAPS 5370 - Introduction to Statistical Analysis
LAPS 5375 - Probability and Statistical Inference
LAPS 5376 - Applied Regression Analysis
LAPS 5377 - Linear Models and Experimental Design
LAPS 5378 - Multidimensional Scaling and Clustering
LAPS 5380 - Causal Inference for Program Evaluation
LAPS 5388 - Advanced Methods in Educational Data Management/Learning Analytics
LAPS 5390 - Learning Design and Analytics
LAPS 5391 - Independent Study
LAPS 5392 - Cognition, Computers and Metacognition
LAPS 5393 - Natural Language Processing for Educational Research
LAPS 5394 - Social Network Analysis
LAPS 5395 - Human and Artificial Cognition
LAPS 5610 - Capstone

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