[Air-L] [OAEI 2022] 2nd call for system participation

Beyza Yaman beyza.yaman at adaptcentre.ie
Thu Aug 4 08:57:36 PDT 2022

** Apologies for multiple postings **

 Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2022 (OAEI 2022)

 First call for the 2022 edition of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation
Initiative (OAEI) -- http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/2022/
 This evaluation campaign is collocated with the Ontology Matching workshop
-- http://om2022.ontologymatching.org/

 The OAEI 2022 campaign will once again confront ontology matchers to
ontology and data sources to be matched. This year, the following test sets
are available:

 T-Box/Schema matching:
     - Anatomy
     - Conference
     - Cross-lingual conference
     - Complex
     - Food Nutritional Composition **new track**
     - Bio-ML **new track**
     - Biodiversity and Ecology
     - Material sciences and engineering
     - Crosswalks metadata **new track**
     - Common Knowledge Graphs

 Instance and schema matching:
     - Knowledge graph

 Instance matching or link discovery:
     - Spimbench
     - Link Discovery
     - GeoLink cruise

 Tabular data to Knowledge Graph matching:
     - TD→KG (special track)

 Systems will be evaluated with respect to all of the OAEI tracks (when
possible). The results will be reported at the International Workshop on
Ontology Matching, which will be collocated with the 21st International
Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022).

 Schedule (tentative)
 June 30th: preliminary datasets available.
 July 31st: preparation phase ends and final datasets are available.
 July 31st: participants register their tool (mandatory).
 August 31st: execution phase ends and participants submit final versions
of their tools.
 September 30th: evaluation phase ends and results are available.
 October 14th: preliminary version of system papers due.
 October 23rd or 24th: the 17th Ontology matching workshop
 October 23-27th: the 21st International Semantic Web Conference.
 November 15th: final version of system papers due.

Best Regards,
Beyza Yaman.

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