[Air-L] [CFP] Third Annual Media Law & Policy Scholars Conference

Jasmine McNealy jmcnealy at ufl.edu
Tue Aug 16 08:46:59 PDT 2022

Hello All,

We invite you to submit an abstract for the Media Law & Policy Scholars Conference (MLPSC 2023)<https://mlpsc.org/>, which will take place online on January 12 & 13, 2023.

MLPSC is not like other big conferences you may normally attend. It is an interdisciplinary, paper workshop. The goal is to provide advice and support for works-in-progress that deepens their intellectual and theoretical impact. We interpret media law and policy broadly, welcoming scholars from around the world who study free speech, free press, access to information, intellectual property, data privacy, internet governance, emerging technologies and other related communication law and policy issues from a variety of theoretical perspectives and methodologies. Our goal is to include scholars and practitioners from law, journalism & communication, philosophy, political science, information systems, sociology, history, business and myriad other disciplines.

The MLPSC format pays tribute to the intellectually engaging and rewarding experiences we have had at conferences like We Robot, Privacy Law Scholars Conference and the Law & Society Association. At MLPSC, authors do not present their papers. A discussant introduces and leads discussion on the paper. Everyone responds in a dialogue about the work. We don’t convene panels or have other “talking head” sessions—everyone gets to contribute to a robust and intellectually engaging conversation intended to help authors move their papers forward and to spur research ideas and questions for further study.


Should you wish to have your paper considered for workshopping, please submit an anonymized extended abstract of no more than 1,000 words through the EasyChair portal by September 5, 2022<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mlpsc23>. You will need to provide a working title and 5 keywords. In addition, you'll be asked to provide author names, titles, affiliations and contact information. We will announce accepted abstracts on September 23, 2022.

Email us<mailto:MLSC at jou.ufl.edu> if you encounter any problems.


New this year! MLPSC will be hosting several “provocations” sessions. These are roundtable sessions designed around a theme with the goal of brainstorming research ideas, meeting fellow scholars, seeding research collaborations and thinking deeply about timely topics in our field through audience participation and free-flowing discussion. Provocation sessions should include a minimum of two discussion leaders and a maximum of four discussion leaders. Proposals that include graduate student, early career or international colleagues are strongly encouraged. Diversity of panelists and disciplines will be considered when evaluating provocation proposals.


Workshop versions of accepted draft papers will be due Friday, December 16, 2022 @  midnight EDT. Because MLPSC is built around workshopping papers, we reserve the right to cancel your workshop if the paper draft is not provided sufficiently in advance for meaningful evaluation by participants.


Conference participants will be expected to register and to read the papers in advance. Papers will be introduced with only a few brief remarks so as to maximize time for rigorous discussion. Authors whose papers are accepted for workshopping are expected to actively participate in at least two other authors’ workshop sessions. Attendees should kindly calendar at least one full day of preparation time in advance of MLPSC.


To facilitate open and spirited discussion in an inclusive environment, we have adopted the following Code of Conduct<https://docs.google.com/document/d/17vGOkemjhBUWKgvLmtRuI6C8CJY5CIK8UgedYWcygBE/edit>. As outlined, photography, recording and use of social media to discuss conference presentations are not permitted. By submitting your abstract, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.

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