[Air-L] TT Assistant Professor Position in Indigenous Digital Arts, Culture and Media - University of Toronto

Rafael Grohmann rafael-ng at uol.com.br
Thu Dec 8 11:01:43 PST 2022

   The Department of Arts, Culture and Media (ACM) at the University of
   Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) invites applications for a full-time tenure
   stream appointment in Indigenous Digital Arts, Culture, and Media. The
   appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, with an
   expected start date of July 1, 2023, or shortly thereafter.

   Candidates must have a terminal degree: either an MFA or a PhD in
   Communications; Humanities; Indigenous Studies; Information Studies;
   Journalism Studies; Media Studies; Social Sciences; Visual and/or
   Performing Arts or a related field, with a demonstrated record of
   excellence in research and teaching. Candidates with an MFA should have
   the degree in hand by the time of application.  Candidates with a PhD
   must have the degree in hand by the time of appointment, or shortly

   Preference will be given to candidates who self-identify as Indigenous.
   Recognizing that there are a variety of terms that potential candidates
   may use to self-identify, the University uses the term “Indigenous” in
   this search, which forms part of the University of Toronto's response
   to Canada's Truth and Reconcilliation Commission, to encompass the
   people of Turtle Island, including those who identify as First Nations,
   Métis, Inuk (Inuit), Alaska Native, Native American, and Native
   Hawaiian people.

   For this important hire, the University is partnering with BIPOC
   Executive Search. Individuals seeking more information and guidance
   during the application process can email Candice Frederick or Jason
   Murray at [1]cfrederick at bipocsearch.com.

   We are seeking candidates who have a strong record of engagement in
   Indigenous Digital Arts, Cultures and/or Media. This research and work
   might take the form of one or more of the following areas: Indigenous
   storyworks; Indigenous ways of knowing and making in the visual, oral,
   narrative, media or sound-based arts; new media; curation; arts
   management; performance; music; journalism; network, data and spectrum

   We welcome applications from candidates who demonstrate a wide range of
   methods such as: relational, reciprocal, socially-engaged, or
   collaborative research praxis, and/or creative practices of
   refusal which may include land- and place-based, site-specific,
   interactive, and participatory research and storytelling, which may
   engage in intersectional forms of activism. We especially encourage
   candidates working in one specific community and/or translocally across
   Indigenous communities and nations in Turtle Island, or more broadly
   in the Americas, the Pacific Rim, Borderlands or Circumpolar Indigenous

   The successful candidate will be expected to pursue innovative and
   independent research at the highest international level and to
   establish an outstanding, competitive, and externally funded research

   Candidates must provide evidence of research excellence which can be
   demonstrated by a significant professional and/or artistic record of
   creative impact within communities on and/or beyond Turtle Island;
   artistic mentorship or leadership; recognition as a knowledge-keeper;
   established practice in storyworks; published works; major awards or
   accolades; invited presentations/performances/tours/workshops; artistic
   residencies; or similar experiences. Candidates must be able to show
   experience and engagement with at least one Indigenous community on
   Turtle Island, including relationship building, long-standing
   relationships, and/or work with community leaders and Elders, as
   demonstrated in strong endorsements by referees of high standing.
   (Please note that Canada’s TRC response focuses on the part of Turtle
   Island currently known as Canada.)

   Evidence of excellence in teaching will be provided through teaching
   accomplishments, the teaching dossier (with required materials outlined
   below) submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters
   of reference.

   The successful candidate will have a graduate appointment in a
   disciplinary unit that reflects their training and background; they
   will also be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in
   their area of expertise.

   Noted for its excellence in research and teaching, U of T Scarborough
   has an interdisciplinary commitment and a multicultural student body
   speaking a wide range of languages. It is one of the three campuses
   comprising the University of Toronto, which offers the opportunity to
   teach, conduct research, and live in one of the most diverse cities in
   the world. The campus is strongly committed to equity and social
   justice, including the building of Indigenous House, as just one of
   many TRC-related initiatives.

   The Department of Arts, Culture and Media at U of T Scarborough is a
   unique multi-disciplinary research and teaching environment, with
   programs in Art History and Visual Culture; Arts Management; Journalism
   (Joint Program); Media, Journalism and Digital Cultures; New Media
   Studies (Joint Program); Music and Culture; Studio Art; and Theatre and
   Performance: see [2]http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/acm/. ACM is also the
   lively hub for the [3]Critical Digital Methods Institute, and a pivotal
   node in campus-wide research networks through initiatives such
   as [4]FLOURISH. The Department is deeply committed to advancing
   community-engaged and community-centred research and teaching
   partnerships, which it promotes through resources such the Inclusion,
   Diversity, Equity, Accessib ility and Sustainability Grant (I.D.E.A.S.)
   and through the advancement of [5]innovative programming.

   Applicants must also provide evidence of a commitment to equity,
   diversity, inclusion and to the promotion of a respectful and collegial
   learning and working environment, as demonstrated through the
   application materials.

   Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

   All qualified candidates are invited to apply by clicking the link
   below. A complete application must include:
    1. a cover letter;
    2. curriculum vitae;
    3. a research statement outlining current and future research
       interests (1- to 2-page maximum);
    4. an online or PDF dossier of artistic and/or professional work OR a
       copy of a writing sample (35-page maximum);
    5. A teaching dossier that shows evidence of teaching excellence. This
       dossier must include a statement of teaching philosophy (1 to
       2-page maximum), sample teaching materials that reflect Indigenous
       ways of knowing, and teaching evaluations or evidence of superior
       performance in other teaching-related activities such as
       publication of pedagogical scholarship, performance as a teaching
       assistant, experience leading successful workshops, seminars or
       community events, student and community mentorship, and/or other
       examples of pedagogical leadership.
    6. The name and contact information of three references. At least one
       of these letters should comment on the candidate’s Indigenous
       community engagement. The University of Toronto’s recruiting tool
       will automatically solicit and collect letters of reference from
       each once an application is submitted (this happens overnight).
       Applicants remain responsible for ensuring that references submit
       letters (on letterhead, dated, and signed) by the closing date.

   Submission guidelines can be found at [6]http://uoft.me/how-to-apply.
   Your CV and cover letter should be uploaded into the dedicated fields.
   Please combine additional application materials into one or two files
   in PDF/MS Word format. If you have any questions about this position,
   please contact [7]acm-ca at utsc.utoronto.ca.

   All application materials, including reference letters, must be
   received by February 23, 2023.

   All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians
   and permanent residents will be given priority.

   Diversity Statement
   The University of Toronto embraces Diversity and is building a culture
   of belonging that increases our capacity to effectively address and
   serve the interests of our global community. We strongly encourage
   applications from Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized persons,
   women, persons with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual and
   gender identities. We value applicants who have demonstrated a
   commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion and recognize that
   diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise are essential
   to strengthening our academic mission.

   As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief
   Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly
   related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search
   committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for
   institutional planning purposes. For more information, please
   see [8]http://uoft.me/UP.

   Accessibility Statement
   The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and
   proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members.
   Our values regarding equity and diversity are linked with our
   unwavering commitment to excellence in the pursuit of our academic

   The University is committed to the principles of the Accessibility for
   Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). As such, we strive to make our
   recruitment, assessment and selection processes as accessible as
   possible and provide accommodations as required for applicants with

   If you require any accommodations at any point during the application
   and hiring process, please contact [9]uoft.careers at utoronto.ca.


   1. mailto:cfrederick at bipocsearch.com
   2. http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/acm/
   3. https://criticaldigitalmethods.ca/
   4. https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/healthsociety/flourish
   5. https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/acm/upcoming-events
   6. http://uoft.me/how-to-apply
   7. mailto:acm-ca at utsc.utoronto.ca
   8. http://uoft.me/UP
   9. mailto:uoft.careers at utoronto.ca
  10. https://jobs.utoronto.ca/job/Toronto-Assistant-Professor-Indigenous-Digital-Arts,-Culture-and-Media-ON/565656617/

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