[Air-L] Twitter Journalist Suspensions

Dr. Emma Briant teflpolsoc at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 19:47:52 PST 2022

Dear Colleagues,

I’m sure all will agree that the mass censorship of, I think now 11
journalists from major news organisations today by Elon Musk is incredibly
disturbing. I am wondering how one deletes all one’s tweets? Anyone know?
I’m considering doing this but leaving my account as a placeholder, so I am
not leaving that data there, and removing myself at this point from the
platform. I was hoping not to do this, given that I network in Twitter for
my research on propaganda and develop contacts. But this obviously crosses
such a line. People need to push back somehow not just move to mastodon ,
but I’m honestly not sure how. I’m trying to process the implications and
wondered other’s thoughts on this latest development.

Dr Emma L Briant

Owner: Maven of Persuasion LLC
Fellow at Central European University's Center for Media, Data and Society
Associate at University of Cambridge, Center for Financial Reporting &
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emmalbriant
Website: www.emma-briant.co.uk

Author of: *Propaganda and Counter-Terrorism: Strategies for Global
Change *from
Manchester University Press
Co-Author of: *Bad News for Refugees* with Prof. Greg Philo and Dr. Pauline
Donald from Pluto Press.
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"I thought yesterday was the first day of the rest of my life but it turns
out today is." - Steve Martin

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