[Air-L] 29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2023): Second Call for PhD Symposium Applications

Announce Announcements announce at cs.ucy.ac.cy
Fri Dec 23 01:10:04 PST 2022

*** Second Call for PhD Symposium Applications ***

29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
(Euro-Par 2023)

August 28 - September 1, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus



The Euro-Par PhD Symposium is a welcoming and supportive forum for PhD students to
present their work, meet and interact with peers, and to receive constructive feedback about 
their work from experts in the Euro-Par community. The program will feature technical 
presentations by PhD students, and discussions in panel and open formats.
Contributions accepted to the PhD Symposium will appear in the Euro-Par companion 


We invite submissions from PhD students at any stage of their doctoral studies. Applicants
must be officially enrolled in a PhD Program at the time of submission, and each submission 
MUST be backed by an endorsement from the official PhD adviser(s). Required submission files
are as follows:
1. Proposal (in Springer LNCS format, no longer than 6 pages with references) including:
• Title of work, author and affiliation
• Abstract of the work
• Brief description of work being/planned to be done, including the problem being addressed,
the research methodology, and preliminary results (if any)
2. Adviser Statement of Support on institutional letterhead (no longer than 2 pages), 
• Declaration that the applicant is their PhD student, and the length of time of this relationship
• Confirmation of support for applicant’s participation
• The applicant's expected academic contributions
• The level of work that has been achieved by the student (in the course of or before the PhD
• How the student will prepare for the event
• How the student plans to attend the event (i.e. in person or online)
• How travel and accommodation costs are to be met, if planning to attend in person
• The expected impact of attending the event on the student's work


We are happy to announce that we can cover the registration fees of 15 student attendees; 15
awards will be funded by the Euro-Par Foundation. To qualify, you should be a PhD student 
studying Informatics and Computing Science at the time of the event.

On top of the above specific criteria for each studentship, the following criteria will be used:
• Explicit recommendation by the advisor(s) is paramount, as awards will be given based on
the strength of the advisor(s) letter
• Priority will be given to in-person attendees

Successful applicants may be asked to undertake some tasks to assist the running of
Euro-Par 2023.


The submission consists of:
• Proposal: A manuscript that address item 1 of the call -- see above.
• Adviser letter: A statement of support from the applicant's adviser(s) as described in the call.

Both elements are to be submitted together as a single PDF to EasyChair:


The symposium committee members will review the submitted applications based on
originality, technical strength, quality of presentation, and relevance to the conference. 
Submitted documents that do not meet the above requirements might be rejected without a 
review. All submitted proposals will be checked for originality by Springer iThenticate
(proposals which show an insufficient originality might be rejected without a review).


• Submission: May 20, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification: July 1, 2023
• Camera-Ready: July 15, 2023


• Herodotos Herodotou, University of Cyprus. Cyprus
• Demetris Thrihinas, University of Cyprus. Cyprus

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