[Air-L] Historical Reddit Data Collection

Luc Cousineau luc.cousineau at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Dec 29 08:57:08 PST 2022

Good afternoon all,

I'm making a call for help regarding collecting reddit data from a particular sub-reddit (/r/teachers).
I'm looking to collect all of the posts (+comments, replies, etc.) starting August 1, 2022 to present for a project I am working on. The problem is that I don't code, so the many tutorials about how to do it with Python aren't helpful for me.
I have been using a great tool called commualytic (developed by some Canadian scholars - also does Twitter, Telegram, and CrowdTangle [Facebook/Insta]) that generates lovely CSV files, but due to a recent change in the Reddit Pushshift API, only the last 31 days of subreddit data are available.

If there is anyone out there that could help me with this, point me in the direction of another tool that I could use, or a capable student or colleague that might be able to help, I would be much obliged.

Many thanks in advance,

Luc Cousineau

Luc S. Cousineau, Ph.D.
(he/him | they/them)
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Université du Québec à Montréal's International Network on Technology, Work and Family (INTWAF)<https://intwaf.esg.uqam.ca/>
Twitter<http://www.twitter.com/LucCousineau> | Website<https://luccousineauphd.ca/>
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