[Air-L] CfP International Conference on ‘Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society’ in Zagreb, Croatia, 28 June 2022
Christoph Lutz
chrislutz at gmx.ch
Mon Jan 17 06:01:04 PST 2022
Dear subscribers to the AoIR listserv,
We hope you had a good start to 2022! We would like to invite you to
the conference on ‘Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for
society’ that will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, 28 June 2022 in a
hybrid format.
The conference aims to advance the knowledge on critical ethical
concepts such as privacy, trust, and transparency of interactive
technologies, contributing particularly by extending emerging concepts
and themes such as privacy-by-design, overtrust,
transparency-by-design, and personalized transparency.
Call for papers
We are interested in contributions that focus on how privacy and trust
are challenged and conceptualized through the increased reliance on
automated systems and its implications on design approaches. We
encourage you to submit papers that combine different perspectives on
privacy (enhancement), trust, and automation, which can be applied to
different sectors, such as healthcare, education, leisure, or work. A
particular focus can be made on emerging automated systems applied to
vulnerable groups such as seniors and children, with ambient assisted
living technologies (e.g.., audio-based and video-based applications to
monitor elderly or frail people).
Topics of interest
The call for papers includes, but is not limited to, the following
areas of interest:
* Research on system trust (i.e., trust between humans and
automation) and link to privacy
* Ethical, legal, and societal aspects of trustworthy and
privacy-friendly automation
* Empirical studies of privacy and trust of interactive systems
* Design approaches to support system trust and trustworthy design
* Personalization of privacy and transparency requirements and its
impact on system trust
* Design for privacy and transparency
* Usable privacy and security and their implications for systems
* Overtrust in automation and its implications
* Issues of unequal access to and benefits from privacy-friendly and
trustworthy automation among different population groups
The extended abstract (max. 1000 words excl. references) must be sent
in PDF format to [1]privacy-conference at goodbrother.eu by 12 of April
2022. You will be notified if the abstract was accepted and if you can
present by 30 April 2022.
Further information, including the template for formatting submissions,
can be found at
Thank you for your participation and further spreading the word.
For any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to the conference org
team at [3]privacy-conference at goodbrother.eu
Kind regards,
Conference Organizers
Anton Fedosov, Eduard Fosch Villaronga, Christoph Lutz, and Aurelia
Dr. Christoph Lutz
Associate Professor
[4]Nordic Centre for Internet & Society
[5]Department of Communication and Culture
[6]BI Norwegian Business School - [7]facebook.com/BIBusinessSchooI
Office address: Nydalsveien 37, 0484 Oslo
Mobile: +47 46410206
Twitter: [8]@lutzid
Social Media: [9]ResearchGate – [10]Google Scholar – [11]Academia.edu
1. mailto:privacy-conference at goodbrother.eu
2. https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https://goodbrother.eu/conferences/goodbrother-international-conference-on-privacy-friendly-and-trustworthy-technology-for-society/&data=04|01|christoph.lutz@bi.no|a4a3c8647ac643b23eb308d9d9954ca1|adee44b291fc40f1abdd9cc29351b5fd|0|0|637780058378765843|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|3000&sdata=j2+eZSAeSloSTLDdvKJM/YUsOJFZWOqibUhXt2MG7n8=&reserved=0
3. mailto:privacy-conference at goodbrother.eu
4. http://www.bi.edu/ncis
5. https://www.bi.edu/research/find-departments-and-research-centres/departments/department-of-communication-and-culture/
6. http://www.bi.edu/
7. https://www.facebook.com/BIBusinessSchool?_rdr
8. https://twitter.com/lutzid
9. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christoph_Lutz
10. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KI9IybAAAAAJ&hl=en
11. https://bi.academia.edu/ChristophLutz
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