[Air-L] ICA Preconference on Comparative Approaches to Privacy and Literacy

Quinn, Kelly Ann kquinn8 at uic.edu
Tue Jan 18 13:10:51 PST 2022

Apologies for cross-posting. I am sharing a CFP for an ICA preconference jointly organized by CPRN (Comparative Privacy Research Network, https://comparativeprivacy.org/) and CEJEM (Research Network on Youth and Media).

Title: Comparative Privacy and the Literacies of a Networked Age: A Critical Approach

Location: OFF-SITE | Université de Haute-Alsace, UHA’s Campus Fonderie – FSESJ (Faculté des Sciences Economiques Sociales et Juridiques), 16, rue de la Fonderie in Mulhouse, France

Date: 25 May 25 2022  – 9:30 – 17:00

Detailed information on the pre-conference is available at: https://comparativeprivacy.org/2022-ica-preconference/

This pre-conference aims to attend to privacy literacy’s critical comparative nature by bringing together scholars that examine the cultural, political, and otherwise contextualized aspects of privacy literacy. The ultimate goal is to enhance conversation in communication studies about the ways in which systematic comparative cross-cultural analyses of privacy literacy may be conceptualized, theorized, and operationalized in novel ways.

This pre-conference will be organized in two parts: First, keynotes will provide inputs on the central issues and concepts involved, such as privacy, comparative research, and media literacy. Secondly, interactive sessions will focus on three main aspects of comparative privacy literacy research, namely: conceptualization, operationalization, and collaboration. These sessions will bring together competitively selected presentations followed by a discussion on the challenges of conceptualizing and operationalizing critical privacy literacy from a cross-cultural perspective. The presentation sessions will be followed by group activities where participants will discuss solutions to particular challenges. This final session will take the form of a guided discussion in the larger group that will build on the diversity of the group in order to consider new, future-oriented research questions and forge future collaborations.

Submission: This pre-conference invites unpublished, innovative papers focusing on, but not limited to:
- research on media/digital literacy and mediated communication, where knowledge or skills regarding privacy plays a role;
- empirical studies focusing on privacy literacy in a comparative fashion;
- current and new topics for literacies, including the digital ecology, sobriety, algorithmic and privacy literacies, as well as persistent areas of inequalities ;
- challenges and opportunities represented by comparative approaches to studying privacy from a literacy perspective;
- qualitative and/or quantitative methodological approaches to studying privacy and relevant literacies comparatively;
- challenges and opportunities represented by comparative approaches to studying privacy and related literacies;
discussions of pertinent dimensions of comparative privacy research;
- explorations of potential antecedents, mediators, and outcomes of privacy-related perceptions, decision-making, and behavior;
conceptualizations and interpretations of privacy and privacy outcomes in non-WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic) contexts.

Both early-career and senior scholars are welcome.

Authors should submit an extended abstract of 800 words (not including references, figures, and tables) by 31 January 2022 to:


The extended abstracts should include the main idea/argument, research questions, a short literature review and/or theoretical perspectives, information on methodology and empirical findings (if applicable). We welcome different approaches, including discussions of literature, concepts and theories, historical perspectives, and empirical analyses. All submitted abstracts must include name, affiliation and contact details. Decisions on acceptance of the extended abstracts will be made by February 28, 2022. We anticipate (for now) that authors of accepted abstracts will attend the pre-conference and present in person.

Kind regards,


Kelly Quinn, PhD
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Communication
University of Illinois at Chicago

Treasurer, Association of Internet Researchers

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