[Air-L] Call for nominations - 2022 IJPP Best Book Award - deadline 15 March

Cristian Vaccari cristian.vaccari at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 05:00:00 PST 2022

Dear colleagues,

I hope this email finds you healthy and safe.

I am writing to share the call for nominations for the 2022 IJPP Best Book
Award, with nominations due on the 15th of March. The call for nominations
is reproduced below and available online at

The award honors internationally oriented books that advance our
theoretical and empirical understanding of the linkages between news media
and politics in a globalized world in a significant way. Books written in
English and published within the last ten years will be considered.
Monographs as well as edited volumes of exceptional quality and coherence
will be considered for the award. The award committee is composed of Sophie
Lecheler, Seth Lewis, and myself.

I hope you will consider submitting your own work as well as other
colleagues' work that you think deserves this recognition. I would also be
grateful if you could help spread the word about this award to anyone you
think might be interested.

*** Call for Nominations
*** The International Journal of Press/Politics Best Book Award 2022
*** Deadline: 15 March 2022

Nominations are invited for the annual International Journal of
Press/Politics Best Book Award, to be sent to committee members no later
than March 15.

The International Journal of Press/Politics Best Book Award honors
internationally oriented books that advance our theoretical and empirical
understanding of the linkages between news media and politics in a
globalized world in a significant way. It is given annually by the
International Journal of Press/Politics and sponsored by Sage Publications.

The award committee will judge each nominated book on several criteria,
including the extent to which the book goes beyond analyzing a single case
country to present a broader and internationally oriented argument, the
significance of the problems addressed, the strength of the evidence the
book relies on, conceptual innovation, the clarity of writing, and the
book’s ability to link journalism studies, political communication
research, and other relevant intellectual fields.

Books written in English and published within the last ten years will be
considered. Monographs as well as edited volumes of exceptional quality and
coherence will be considered for the award. Books by current members of the
award committee are ineligible and committee members will recuse themselves
from discussion of books by members of their own department, works
published in series that they edit, and similar circumstances.

Award committee
The award committee consists of Cristian Vaccari (the editor of the
International Journal of Press/Politics), Sophie Lecheler (chair of the
Political Communication Division of ICA), and Seth Lewis (chair of the
Journalism Studies Division of ICA).

Nominations including a rationale of no more than 350 words should be
emailed by March 15 to Cristian Vaccari at c.vaccari at lboro.ac.uk.
Self-nominations are accepted.

The nomination must specify why the book should receive the award by
outlining the importance of the book to the study of media and politics and
by identifying its international contribution and relevance. Please include
links to or copies of relevant reviews in scholarly journals.

Arrangements should be made with the publishers of nominated books for one
hard copy or e-book (i.e., the full book in PDF form) to be sent by March
15 to each of the three committee members at the following addresses:
Cristian Vaccari, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Brockington
Building U.3.19, Loughborough University, Epinal Way, Loughborough,
Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom. Email: c.vaccari at lboro.ac.uk.
Sophie Lecheler, Department of Communication, University of Vienna,
Kolingasse 14-16, 1090 Vienna, Austria. Email: sophie.lecheler at univie.ac.at
Seth Lewis, School of Journalism and Communication, 1275 University of
Oregon, Allen Hall Room 219, Eugene, OR 97403-1275, USA . Email:
sclewis at uoregon.edu

The award will be presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the International
Communication Association and will be announced on the IJPP website. The
awarded book will also receive recognition in issue 4/2022 of the journal.

Past winners of the award
2021: Allissa V. Richardson, Bearing Witness While Black: African
Americans, Smartphones, and the New Protest #Journalism (Oxford University
Press 2020).
2020: Thomas Hanitzsch, Folker Hanusch, Jyotika Ramaprasad, and Arnold S.
de Beer (Editors), Worlds of Journalism: Journalistic Cultures Around the
Globe (Columbia University Press, 2019).
2019: Maria Repnikova, Media Politics in China: Improvising Power Under
Authoritarianism (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
2018: Erik Albæk, Arjen van Dalen, Nael Jebril, and Claes H. de Vreese,
Political Journalism in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge University
Press, 2014).
2017: Katrin Voltmer, The Media in Transitional Democracies (Polity Press,
2016: Andrew Chadwick, The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power (Oxford
University Press, 1st edition 2013).
2015: Rodney Benson, Shaping Immigration News (Cambridge University Press,

Cristian Vaccari
Professor of Political Communication, Loughborough University
Director, Centre for Research in Communication and Culture
Editor-in-Chief, *The International Journal of Press/Politics
New book: Outside the Bubble:
Media and Political Participation in Western Democracies
(with Augusto Valeriani, OUP 2021)
New project: Everyday Sharing of Misinformation on Private
<https://everyday-mis.info/>Social Media <https://everyday-mis.info/> (with
Andrew Chadwick)
Personal website: https://cristianvaccari.com/
Google Scholar profile
Twitter: @prof_vaccari <https://twitter.com/prof_vaccari>
Preferred pronouns: he/him/his

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