[Air-L] Winter School on digital citizenship and social justice - 14-18 February, online (free)

Adi Kuntsman adi_kuntsman at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 27 02:42:52 PST 2022


Pleasespread the word – registration is now open to our Postgraduate Winter School inDigital Politics. The School is open to MA and PhD students and early careerresearchers. We have a range of events spread over the entire week, and welcomeattendees to all or just selected events. Talks are open to all but workshops/masterclass are kept intentionally small, to prioritise postgraduate studentsand ECRs; places are limited  - pleasedirect anyone interested to register asap

Furtherinfo and registration details are here https://digitalpoliticsmanmet.bloggi.co/event-digital-politics-winter-school-is-coming

DigitalCitizenship and its Limits: Annual Winter School in Digital Politics

This Winter School makes a series of critical interventionsinto the field of digital citizenship, in both so-called democratic andso-called authoritarian states. The School will focus particularly on how theinteractions between individuals or communities and the state, in areas such aspublic services, welfare, border control, and policing, are mediated by digitalplatforms, on-line communication, algorithms and the AI. Participants willexplore the following questions: What are the injustices involved in being asubject of a digital state? What is the human cost of e-governance, digitalborder control, high tech policing, or on-line surveillance? What are theresults of digital non-freedoms - distress, despair, loss of income, poverty,starvation, imprisonment, death? Who are the captive subjects and dependantvictims of state digitisation? And finally, what are the possibilities torethink, challenge, survive and resist the violence of digital citizenship?
The School is organised by the Digital Politics researchcluster at the department of History, Politics and Philosophy, and is generouslysupported by the Digital Society Research Group (DISC at ManMet) at the Faculty ofArts and Humanities, Manchester Metropolitan University, as part of the Digital Society @ Manchester 2022events.

Dr Adi Kuntsman, Reader in Digital Politics 
Programme Leader, MA inInternational Relations and Global Communications 
Coordinator, PhDpathway in Digital Politics
Department of Politics | Manchester Metropolitan University 
Geoffrey Manton Building|  Manchester | M15 6LL| Web | 

Selected publications 
--Environmentalmedia amidst the COVID-19 pandemic 
--Time,militarisation and the information bomb: a tribute to Paul Virilio
--Optingout of Digital Health
--Theparadox and continuum of digital disengagement

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