[Air-L] Guest Lecture on Algorithms and Social Media

Riki Thompson rikitiki at uw.edu
Wed Jan 12 12:43:22 PST 2022

I would be interested in using such a video with my class as well. It would be fabulous if a link to the final video could be shared here as well--if willing.

Riki Thompson, Ph.D. (she/her/they)
Associate Professor, Writing Studies & Digital Rhetoric

University of Washington Tacoma

rikithompson.com<http://rikithompson.com/> | @rikithompson <https://twitter.com/rikithompson>

Public Talks Online

Gender & Sexual Normativity, (Dis)Empowerment, and the Digital Dating Paradigm<https://fb.watch/8U5gv7PReF/> through the Washington State History Museum Scholarly Selections Series<https://www.facebook.com/historymuseum/>

The politics of matching, messaging, & making the first move in online dating<https://youtu.be/H5FmVpQ4iO4> through the Grit City Think and Drink<https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/sias/grit-city-think-drink>

Recently Published

Polyamorous relationships under severe strain during the pandemic<https://theconversation.com/polyamorous-relationships-under-severe-strain-during-the-pandemic-154335>

The Conversation, Feb 11, 2021
Love, Delayed - How COVID-19 has upended dating for singles -
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We recognize that all of us at UW Tacoma learn, live, and work on or near the unceded territory of the Coast Salish people. We gratefully honor and acknowledge that our campus rests on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People, who take care of their community, practice their traditional ways and speak the Lushootseed language.

From: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of Guy Golan <golanresearch at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 12:28 PM
To: Air-L at listserv.aoir.org <Air-L at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: [Air-L] Guest Lecture on Algorithms and Social Media

Hi Everyone,
I am looking for someone who can speak about social media algorithms to my
social media class (we can record a 10 minute Zoom conversation).

Basically I will ask you to explain to my students:
What is an algorithm?
How do social media platforms use them?
How do these algorithms impact the type of content we see on platforms?
How are the platforms benefiting from the algorithms?
How are users impacted by algorithms in terms of privacy, data, etc.

After I record the Zoom I will share it with my class and if you are
interested I will upload it to my Youtube channel and share it with a large
social media group of social media, PR and advertising professors.

If you are interested in participating, please drop me a line.

Thanks, Guy

Guy J. Golan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Strategic Communication
Bob Schieffer College of Communication
Texas Christian University
Twitter: guygolan
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