[Air-L] CfP CHIIR 2022 Workshop on Building towards Information Interaction and Retrieval Resource Reuse (BIIRRR 2022), March 14 2022
marijn Koolen
marijn.koolen at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 00:39:15 PST 2022
Third Call for Contributions: BIIRRR 2022
CHIIR 2022 Workshop on Building towards Information Interaction and
Retrieval Resource Reuse
March 14 2022, 9:00-17:00
This workshop is part of the ACM Conference on Human Information
Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) 2022, taking place 14-18 March 2022
as a *fully
virtual conference*.
BIIRRR 2022 website: http://biirrr2022.aau.dk
CHIIR 2022 website: https://ai.ur.de/chiir2022/home
The aim of the BIIRRR workshop series is to provide a forum where
researchers from the full spectrum of CHIIR interests can come together to
develop ideas on improving resource reuse. At the previous BIIRRR
workshops, we identified a number of focus areas essential to resource
re-use in interactive information retrieval. We distilled these into a
manifesto [https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3406522.3446056] published at
CHIIR 2021, which highlighted the potential and challenges of research
documentation and archiving for future reuse.
Any part of a study (research design, research data, research
infrastructure) is valuable for reuse at any level of granularity, from
reproducing complete studies to single survey or interview questions. What
is needed to enable reuse may vary for different methods, for instance,
documentation for qualitative methods may require a different format than
for quantitative methods, but both can be described in a structured and
standardized way. In this context, it is particularly important that any
guidelines or standards are flexible, adaptable, and can evolve as the
research in the community evolves. The openness of the II&R community must
not be restricted and extensive discussions are needed on how to balance
standardisation, space for innovation and for aspects that can only be
documented to a limited extent.
BIIRRR 2022 is the third edition in the series and focuses on developing
recommendations for documenting and archiving the wide range of II&R
research resources, and to ensure that the documentation standards are
relevant and applicable to both the specifics and breadth of the CHIIR
Towards this end, the workshop has two main goals:
Collect practical experiences with documentation and reuse. We solicit
experience and position papers to collect more examples of practical
barriers, challenges, and approaches to documenting complex study setups.
In an experience paper, authors can further document one of their previous
II&R studies and analyze it in terms of the possibilities and challenges
for the reuse of their research designs, data and infrastructure. Position
papers discuss challenges and proposals in a more abstract manner.
Develop recommendations for research design documentation. Research
designs are the first step in documenting research resources. The second
goal of the 2022 edition of the BIIRRR workshop is to start discussing and
developing recommendations for research design documentation. Our explicit
aim is to develop an open proposal that can be used across the full range
of study types in the II&R community and that is open to further
************************** Paper Contributions **************************
We invite two types of original contributions: experience papers and position
papers. In experience papers, authors analyze one of their previous II&R
studies in terms of research designs, research data, or research
infrastructure in the context of reuse. Authors should not focus their
contribution on the outcomes of their described studies, but on their
thoughts and considerations in designing, setting up and adapting their
studies as well as on efforts to connect their II&R study to previous work
by others and aspects that make reuse of earlier work difficult. These
experiences are rarely made explicit and the focus of discussion, but are
necessary to further the discussion on reuse and sharing in IIR. Any
details you think might be relevant for others to understand the choices
made are good to have in your experience paper.
Position papers describe and/or argue for challenges, benefits, best
practices, perspectives on, and strategies for improving resource reuse in
IIR. We also invite comments, feedback, and ideas on how to evolve the
principles for II&R resources re-use or II&R resources reuse as suggested
in the manifesto.
The paper contributions will be presented in themed sessions in the
morning. The afternoon will then discuss the main ideas and challenges from
the morning session in break-out groups. The workshop will conclude with a
collaborative writing session aimed at developing an open proposal for
documenting research designs that can be used across the full range of
study types in the II&R community and that is open to further development
All submissions should be in English and should not have been published or
submitted for publication elsewhere. However, in the case of experience
papers, they may be based on already published experimental II&R studies
and expand upon research design descriptions, methodological
decision-making, and successes and failures. Papers should be between 4 and
8 pages formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style and submitted via EasyChair (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=biirrr2022). All submissions will
be peer reviewed by the Program Committee. Submissions will be published
in the workshop proceedings.
********************************* Timetable *****************************
Submission deadline: January 13, 2022
Notification of acceptance: January 27, 2022
Camera-ready deadline: February 11, 2022
Workshop: March 14, 2022
********************************* Organisers *****************************
Toine Bogers (Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark)
Maria Gäde (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Mark Hall (Open University, United Kingdom)
Marijn Koolen (KNAW Humanities Cluster, Netherlands)
Vivien Petras (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)
Paul Thomas (Microsoft Research, Australia)
********************************* Relevant links
BIIRRR 2022 Workshop homepage: http://biirrr2022.aau.dk
Registration for BIIRRR 2022 workshop goes via CHIIR 2022:
Contact the organizers: biirrr at googlegroups.com
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