[Air-L] Request for published and unpublished studies on social media use and political knowledge

Eran Amsalem eran.amsalem at mail.huji.ac.il
Wed Jan 12 12:08:17 PST 2022

Dear colleagues,

We are political communication researchers currently working on a
meta-analysis of the relationship between social media use and political
knowledge. We have so far collected and analyzed 68 studies, and at this
stage we would like to ensure our list of studies is comprehensive. To be
included in our meta-analysis, studies must be written in English, include
quantitative data, and report the relationship between social media use (of
any type: Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, general SNS use, etc.) and political
knowledge. The meta-analysis covers studies that employ various research
designs (experiments, surveys, panels, etc.) and that operationalize social
media use in different ways, such as self-reports, behavioral data, or
experimental manipulations.

We are looking for both published and unpublished studies (e.g., working
papers, conference papers, dissertations, etc.).

If you have conducted such a study or can think of one that seems relevant,
we would be grateful if you could send it to Dr. Eran Amsalem at:
eran.amsalem at mail.huji.ac.il

If you are currently conducting research on this topic that has not yet
been written up in full, and are willing to share your information with us,
please provide us with an effect size measure (e.g., Cohen’s *d*, Pearson’s
*r*, odds ratio) or any statistics that can be converted into a
standardized metric. Alternatively, you may send us the dataset so we can
compute the effect size ourselves.

Kindest regards,

Eran Amsalem
Professor, Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Alon Zoizner
<https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=v7PwdpEAAAAJ&hl=en> (Assistant
Professor, Department of Communication, University of Haifa, Israel)

Eran Amsalem, Ph.D.
Department of Communication and Journalism
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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