[Air-L] New book: ‘Internet Diplomacy - Shaping the Global Politics of Cyberspace’
msantaniello at unisa.it
Wed Jun 22 09:40:07 PDT 2022
Dear colleagues,
I am glad to announce the publication of ‘Internet Diplomacy - Shaping the
Global Politics of Cyberspace’, a book co-edited by Meryem Marzouki and
Andrea Calderaro.
The edited book analyses how the ‘Global Internet Governance’ field could
be explored as a Diplomacy Terrain, and provides in its introductory
chapter elements for a research agenda to help charter it. Then follow 10
chapters organized in 3 sections: 'Part I: Internet Governance as a
Diplomacy Issue’, 'Part II: Internet Governance as a Science Diplomacy
Area’, and 'Part III: Case Studies of Internet Governance Diplomacy’.
You will find the book description and the full table of contents at:
An extended presentation is at: events.gig-arts.eu/gig-arts-book/
Unfortunately, the book couldn’t be published in open access (only its
introduction is freely available at:
http://rowman.com/webdocs/9781538161173_Ch01.pdf). Both paperback and
e-book formats are available.
If you consider buying a copy as an individual, there is a 30% discount
valid on either paperback or ebook format (promo code: RLFANDF30), but it
is not intended for university libraries or other institutions or
organizations that must order at the regular prices.
Best wishes,
Mauro Santaniello (PhD)
*Professor, Internet Governance and Digital PolicyDirector, Internet &
Communication Policy Centre (ICPC)*
*Scientific Coordinator, Salerno Winter School on Internet Governance
*Visiting Researcher, The United Nations University Institute on
Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS)*
*Department of Business, Management and Information Systems (DISA-MIS)*
*Università degli Studi di Salerno *
*Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 84084 Fisciano (SA) - Italy *
*E. msantaniello at unisa.it <msantaniello at unisa.it> *
*W. http://docenti.unisa.it/mauro.santaniello
*Skype: internetpolicy *
*T. twitter.com/webvoodoo <http://twitter.com/webvoodoo>*
*Recent publications*
M.Santaniello (2021) "From Governance Denial to State Regulation: A
Controversy-Based Typology of Internet Governance Models." In Haggart B.,
Tusikov N., Scholte J.A. (eds.) *Power and Authority in Internet
Governance. Return of the State? *Routledge.
N.Palladino, M.Santaniello (2021).* Legitimacy, Power, and Inequalities in
the Multistakeholder Internet Governance. **Analyzing IANA
Transition*. Palgrave
*Pubblicazioni recenti in italiano*
M. Santaniello (2021) "Lower the Top. La sfida alle piattaforme digitali, tra
sovranità statuale e saperi sociali". Comunicazionepuntodoc, Numero 25, pp.
M. Santaniello (2021) "La regolazione delle piattaforme e il principio
della sovranità digitale". Rivista di Digital Politics. Vol. 3/2021. pp.
579-600, DOI: 10.53227/103806
M. Santaniello (2021) "Fortezza Internet. L’incastellamento del cyberspazio
e il regime feudale della cyber security." In Amoretti F.* Per una cultura
della sicurezza democratica* Pag.131-148 Soveria Mannelli Rubbettino.
F. Amoretti, M. Santaniello (2021) "Sovranità (con)tese. Le digital
corporation nello spazio pubblico globale." In F.Tuccari; G. Borgognone *La
sovranità* Pag.175-194
M. Santaniello (2021) "Sunburst. La grande eclissi della cybersecurity Usa."
*Rivista di Digital Politics*. Vol. 1/2021. Pag.179-194.
F. Amoretti, M. Santaniello (2021), "Partecipazione politica e opinione
pubblica online in tempo di crisi." *Iride* Vol. 92. Pag.57-67.
F. Amoretti, R. Fittipaldi, M. Santaniello (2021), "Poteri monocratici e
comunicazione politica ai tempi della pandemia. Dal governo Conte II al
governo Draghi". *Comunicazione politica, n. *3/2021, pp. 333-356.
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