[Air-L] CFP: 2022 ACM SIGDOC Student Research Competition

Sonia Stephens Sonia.Stephens at ucf.edu
Wed Mar 2 12:39:05 PST 2022

Dear colleagues,

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (SIGDOC) invites you to submit a proposal to this year’s Student Research Competition (SRC). The SRC offers a forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at SIGDOC 2022 in Boston, MA, October 6-8. Students also have the option of preparing an Extended Abstract to be published in the conference proceedings

Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit proposals of up to 800 words on topics related to the design of communication. For more information about SIGDOC and the SRC, see the attached CFP or online at: https://sigdoc.acm.org/conference/2022/student-research-competition/

Submit proposals to the SRC coordinator: Dr. Jack Labriola, at jlabrio1 at kennesaw.edu. Proposals are due Friday April 29th, 2022.


Dr. Sonia Stephens
Associate Professor
Department of English & Texts and Technology Program
University of Central Florida
sonia.stephens at ucf.edu

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