[Air-L] 4S Open Panel: Power After AI: Governmentality in the Age of Intelligent Machines

Fenwick Mckelvey mckelveyf at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 14:22:31 PDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,

 We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our 4S open panel
entitled Power After AI: Governmentality in the Age of Intelligent Machines.
We are particularly looking for conference papers that critically address
the historical and epistemic perspectives on AI, ethnographic and
practice-based research and, speculative or experimental engagements to
reconfigure and rethink AI both in the global South and North. We strongly
encourage colleagues from the global South to send an abstract. Kindly note
that you have until April 14, 2022 to submit an abstract through the 4S
website. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions.

The 4S conference will be held in Cholula (Mexico) from 7-10 December 2022.
To read the full panel description please visit:



Fenwick, Jonathan and Sophie

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