[Air-L] internet studies book list

Chris Peterson chris at cpeterson.org
Thu Mar 17 08:26:46 PDT 2022

Hi all —  

I emailed the list earlier in the year asking if anyone knew of any bibliographies of 1) books, specifically 2) in the field of Internet Studies, broadly defined. The reason for my question was I’m asking my students to write a book review of a monograph in the field for my class <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rshp8enFUQ2_vfuSHN88twwQXxXiDRYx_NTPU2iIL8I/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=108616847108562505842> this spring, and wanted to give them a resource so they could find something in their interest area. 

A few people responded asking me to let them know if I found anything, but I didn’t, nor could my departmental librarian. There are plenty of syllabi for a topic area across many forms of scholarship (articles, books, films, etc), but nothing I could find for books, specifically. 

So my TA and I built a Google Form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_WaVIdg9Rh--nodpMWYKpLSj03zxouh5YlzbSwGH_VchAww/viewform> to help us make one. If you enter in the ISBN number of a book, it queries the Google Books API and populates the results to a public spreadsheet here <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ik83LPyjjqQLfWim53CEObnXdiVDqSkGJ0lCDqayeUo/edit#gid=452498815>. It pulls in the book description (from the publisher) and the subject areas (from the LoC), so that it is (reasonably) searchable. 

My TA and I just started entering in some books from our syllabus and some books that popped into our head, but I wanted to send it out to AoIR in case anyone here wants to contribute or use the list. If you want to contribute —  please do! We’ve tried to make it as easy as possible, and you should definitely blast your own books into here, or those of friends, or whatever. It’s a work in progress and we’ll be figuring it out as we go along but hopefully it’s a helpful resource for someone (beyond just my students this term). 


—  Chris 

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