[Air-L] Call for Workshop Proposals -- ACM ICDCN 2023 -- Deadline: June 15, 2022

Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou eirini at unm.edu
Thu May 19 19:04:21 PDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Below is a Call for Workshop Proposals for ACM ICDCN 2023. The proposals should be submitted as pdf-format attachment to an email sent to the workshop chairs Sujoy Saha<https://nitdgp.ac.in/department/computer-science-engineering/faculty-1/sujoy-saha-1>, Suchetana Chakraborty<https://sites.google.com/site/suchetana0116> (icdcn2023-workshop-chairs at googlegroups.com<mailto:icdcn2023-workshop-chairs at googlegroups.com>) by June 15, 2022.

Proposal Submission Deadline: June 15, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2022

Please consider sending a Workshop proposal against the following CFP.

ICDCN 2023 Call for Workshop Proposals

ICDCN is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing advances in Distributed Computing and Communication Networks, which over the years, has become a leading forum for disseminating the latest research results in these fields. The 24th edition of this international conference will be organised in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, from 4th - 7th January 2023. https://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/conf/ICDCN23/

The 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2023) plans to host several workshops. The Organizing Committee invites proposals for one-day or half-day workshops affiliated with the conference. Workshops should emphasize current topics of interest within the broader areas of Distributed Computing and Communication Networks. Some of the topics of interest are mentioned below, but not limited to:

- Distributed Data-Analytics
- Blockchains
- Distributed AI/ML
- Security, Privacy and Game Theory in Distributed Computing and Networking
- Disaster response
- Smart healthcare
- Energy and Sustainability
- Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical systems
- Distributed game theory
- Biological Distributed Algorithms
- Mobile Crowdsensing and Social Network Analysis and Mining
- 5G and beyond Networks
Next generation internet
- Ad-hoc, Sensor, PAN and Mesh Networks
- Backscatter and Ultra-low Power Networks
- Cloud Computing and Big Data Processing
- Cognitive Networking
- Edge Computing and Mobile Offloading
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing
- Vehicular Networks, Smart Grids and Smart City Applications
- Fault-tolerance, Reliability, and Availability of Distributed Systems
- Self-organization, Self-stabilization, and Autonomic Computing

The workshops may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations and panels that encourage the participation of attendees in active discussion. The purpose of these workshops is to provide a platform for presenting new ideas in a generally more focused area than the main conference. The objective of these workshops is to enable stimulating discussions on state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and perhaps controversial topics. Workshops should be organized to promote such lively interaction. Plans to promote interaction and discussion should be clearly addressed in workshop proposals. It is expected that workshop papers will be published along with the main conference papers as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will be indexed by the ACM Digital Library.

The previous editions of ICDCN  hosted the following workshops:

Year & Location
Name of the Workshops

  1.  The Fifth International Workshop On Networking Women In Distributed Computing And Networks
  2.  The International Workshop On Machine Learning And Blockchain For Smart Society
  3.  International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services

For more information follow this link: https://icdcn2022.iiitd.edu.in/

  1.  Predictive and Learning Approaches based on Distributed-to-Centralized Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Management of Large-Scale Internet of Things Networks in Smart Cities
  2.  3rd International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services
  3.  1st ACM Workshop on Recent Trends of Internet of Softwarized Things
  4.  The Third International Workshop on Mobile Ubiquitous Systems, Infrastructures, Communications and Applications
  5.  The Fourth International Workshop On Networking Women In Distributed Computing And Networks
  6.  The 2nd Workshop on Distributed Algorithms for Low-Functional Robots
  7.  First International Workshop on Maintenance-Free Context Sensing

For more information follow this link: https://www.icdcn2021.net/workshops.html

  1.  International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services (EmeRTeS 2020)
  2.  The Ninth International Workshop on Computing and Networking for Internet of Things and Beyond (ComNet-IoT 2020)
  3.  Workshop on Networks and Systems for Agriculture (AGRINETS 2020)
  4.  1st International Workshop on Societal Computing for the Internet of Things & You (SoCIeTY 2020)
  5.  Workshop on 5G Edge architecture
  6.  First ACM Workshop on Smart Sensing: from IoT to Ambient (SmartSensing)
  7.  International Workshop On Networking Women In Distributed Computing And Networks 2022 (NWDCN 2022)
  8.  The International Workshop On Machine Learning And Blockchain For Smart Society(MLBSS-2022)
  9.  International Workshop on Emergency Response Technologies and Services (EmeRTesS 2022)

For more information follow this link: http://www.icdcn2020.rf.gd/workshop.html

Format of the Proposal:
Each workshop proposal (maximum 5 pages) must include:
- Title of the workshop
- Description of the technical issues covered, emphasising the timeliness of the proposed workshop (1 page maximum)
- Workshop Organizers (names, affiliation and contact information), limiting up to 2 workshop chairs for half-day workshop and 3 workshop chairs for full-day workshop
- A short biography of the organizers (up to 200 words)
-Names of potential participants, such as program committee members and invited speakers (indication that speakers accepted to participate is a plus)
- Planned format of the workshop, including:
+ Duration of the workshop: Half-day, Full-day and tentative schedule
+ Preferred day of workshop: Before or after the conference
+ Number of refereed papers, hot topic sessions, keynotes, panels
+ Unique, creative and novel workshops formats are strongly encouraged
- Draft Call for Papers
- A description of the publicity and promotion plan
- Workshop potential website address (if available at the time of the proposal - will be required later if the workshop proposal is accepted)
- If appropriate, a description of past versions of the workshop, including the number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc.
-In order to ensure the quality of the accepted papers in  ICDCN, the ICDCN steering committee set an upper limit of 40% on the acceptance rate for ICDCN Workshop papers. Hence, it is desirable for the organizers of the accepted workshops to adhere to that acceptance rate for their respective workshops.

Please address questions to Workshop Chairs: Suchetana Chakraborty and Sujoy Saha by sending e-mail to icdcn2023-workshop-chairs at googlegroups.com<mailto:icdcn2023-workshop-chairs at googlegroups.com>

Timelines for the Workshop:
The proposals should be submitted (in PDF format) no later than June 15, 2022 to the ICDCN 2023 Workshop chairs (icdcn2023-workshop-chairs at googlegroups.com<mailto:icdcn2023-workshop-chairs at googlegroups.com>) with "ICDCN 2023 Workshop Proposal" in the subject.

- Proposal Deadline: June 15th, 2022
- Notification of Selection: July 1st, 2022
- Opening of Workshop Papers for Acceptance: July 15th,  2022
- Deadline for Workshop Papers: September 15th, 2022
- Decision on Acceptance/Rejection of the Workshop Papers: October 15th, 2022
- Camera-Ready Papers Version Due: October 31st, 2022

Thanks & Regards,

Sujoy Saha
Suchetana Chakraborty

Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Assistant Professor
Computer Engineering Chair
Director of Recruiting and Admissions

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, 87131
Office: 326B
Tel.: (505)-277-5501
Email: eirini at unm.edu<mailto:eirini at unm.edu>
Website: PROTON Lab<http://ece-research.unm.edu/tsiropoulou/index.html>
PROTON Lab's News: @Tsiropoulou_EE<https://twitter.com/Tsiropoulou_EE>

"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach." ~ Aristotle

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