[Air-L] #CMD talks - Henry Jenkins on "Grounding Transmedia Stories in Immersive Story Worlds"

Inês Amaral inesamaral at gmail.com
Wed May 25 04:07:35 PDT 2022

The new PhD in Computational Media Design welcomes Henry Jenkins to a talk
on "Grounding Transmedia Stories in Immersive Story Worlds" on June 1st at
05:30 PM (Lisbon time).

The academic community is invited to participate via Zoom:

*Grounding Transmedia Stories in Immersive Story Worlds*

Often, film instructors tell their students that the story is the core, but
in fact, with transmedia entertainment franchises, the world may be as much
or more important as story in shaping this experience. This lecture will
explore different understandings of fictional worlds and offer some
examples of how they can be used to ground transmedia experiences.


Henry Jenkins is the Provost's Professor of Communication, Journalism,
Cinematic Arts and Education at the University of Southern California and
the founder and former co-director of the MIT Comparative Media Studies
Program. He is the author or editor of 20 books on various aspects of media
and popular culture, including *Textual Poachers: Television Fans and
Participatory Culture*, *Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media
Collide*, *Spreadable Media: Creating Meaning and Value in a Networked
Culture *(with Sam Ford and Joshua Green), and *By Any Media Necessary: The
New Youth Activism* (with Sangita Shresthova and others). He has two more
books that just came out this past spring -- *Popular Culture and the Civic
Imagination: Case Studies of Creative Social Change* and *Comics and Stuff*.
He is the co-host of the *How Do You Like It So Far?* podcast which
explores popular culture in a changing world and has run the *Confessions
of an Aca-Fan* blog for more than 15 years.


Inês Amaral
Professora Associada | Associate Professor
Diretora do 1.º Ciclo de Estudos em Jornalismo e Comunicação |
Director of the Undergraduate Program Studies in Journalism and

Universidade de Coimbra • Faculdade de Letras | University of Coimbra •
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Largo da Porta Férrea | 3004-530 • Coimbra • Portugal
Tel. | Phone: +351 239 410 090
E-mail: ines.amaral at uc.pt
www.uc.pt | www.uc.pt/fluc

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