[Air-L] Popular Culture Studies Journal: Call for reviews
Christopher John Olson
olson429 at uwm.edu
Tue May 3 13:11:58 PDT 2022
The Popular Culture Studies Journal is currently soliciting reviews for our upcoming October 2022 issue. We are seeking authors to review works on any aspect of American or international popular culture. Specifically, we are interested in reviews of recent (i.e. published within the last two years) scholarly monographs or anthologies and general interest books examining all areas of popular culture from a variety of perspectives. We will also consider older seminal pieces that deserve a second look. For a list of books to review, please visit Booklist for Reviews<https://mpcaaca.org/the-popular-culture-studies-journal/for-submitting-reviews/booklist-for-reviews/>.
In addition, we are seeking reviews of films, videos, websites, games, theater, or any other popular works that have been published, released, performed, or posted in the last two years. Once again, we will also consider older seminal works that deserve a second look. We only ask that reviews of popular media texts discuss how such works might be used in pedagogical or scholarly situations. If you wish to review a popular media text, you must submit a brief rationale for the relevance of the review. A short paragraph outlining why you think the text is worthy of review in the journal will suffice.
Reviews should adhere to the ethos of the Popular Culture Studies Journal and be largely positive with any criticism of the work being constructive in nature. For more information about this journal, please visit the Popular Culture Studies Journal<https://mpcaaca.org/the-popular-culture-studies-journal/> website.
Written reviews should be roughly 800-1000 words in length and should be typed, double-spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font. Research and documentation must adhere to The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers and The MLA Style Manual, 8th edition, which requires a Works Cited list with parenthetical author/page references in the text. Punctuation, capitalization, hyphenation, and other matters of style must also follow The MLA Handbook and The MLA Style Manual. If you are interested in submitting any alternative form of review, please contact the reviews editor directly with your proposed format. Guidelines will be determined depending on the proposed format.
Reviews and review requests should be sent electronically to Christopher J. Olson at olson429 at uwm.edu<mailto:olson429 at uwm.edu> with PCSJ Review and the author’s last name in the subject line. Reviews should include both the review and the reviewer’s complete contact information (name, university affiliation, address, and email). Reviews should be sent as Microsoft Word attachments in .doc or .docx format unless an alternative format has been approved by the editor.
To be considered for the October issue, reviews must be submitted by August 31st.
If you are interested in reviewing for the Popular Culture Studies Journal or if you are an author or publisher with a work you would like to have reviewed, then please contact the reviews editor at the following address or email:
Christopher J. Olson, Reviews Editor
Email: olson429 at uwm.edu <mailto:olson429 at uwm.edu>
Christopher John Olson
PhD candidate: Media, Cinema, and Digital Studies
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Office: Curtin 388
Email: olson429 at uwm.edu
Reviews Editor, The Popular Culture Studies Journal<http://mpcaaca.org/the-popular-culture-studies-journal/>
Normalizing Mental Illness and Neurodiversity in Entertainment Media<https://www.routledge.com/Normalizing-Mental-Illness-and-Neurodiversity-in-Entertainment-Media-Quieting/Johnson-Olson/p/book/9780367820527> (Routledge, 2021)
The Greatest Cult Television Shows of All Time<https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538122556/The-Greatest-Cult-Television-Shows-of-All-Time> (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)
Convergent Wrestling<https://www.routledge.com/Convergent-Wrestling-Participatory-Culture-Transmedia-Storytelling-and/Reinhard-Olson/p/book/9780815377641> (Routledge, 2019)
100 Greatest Cult Films<https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781442208223/100-Greatest-Cult-Films> (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018)
Heroes, Heroines, and Everything in Between<https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781498539579/Heroes-Heroines-and-Everything-in-Between-Challenging-Gender-and-Sexuality-Stereotypes-in-Children%27s-Entertainment-Media> (Lexington, 2017)
Possessed Women, Haunted States<https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781498519083/Possessed-Women-Haunted-States-Cultural-Tensions-in-Exorcism-Cinema> (Lexington, 2016)
Making Sense of Cinema <https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/making-sense-of-cinema-9781501320217/> (Bloomsbury, 2016)
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