[Air-L] Call for Applications: IASGAR PhD-Summer-Day "Video gaming in socio-cultural settings", 8. July 2022

Lisa Kienzl kienzl at uni-bremen.de
Wed May 4 05:46:52 PDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

Below you find the Call for Applications for the *The IASGAR 
PhD-Summer-Day 2022*. The PhD-Summer day titled *“Video gaming in 
socio-cultural settings” *will be held at the University of Bremen on 
*July 8th 2022**. *Deadline for applications:**May 30^th 2022.

Please find further information below or on: 

Kind regards,

Lisa Kienzl


*“Video gaming in socio-cultural settings”

The IASGAR PhD-Summer-Day 2022*

*July 8th 2022

*University of Bremen, Germany*


Video gaming can be seen as a cultural practice that shapes and frames 
the processes and discourse of cultural and political communication as 
well as the society in which that communication takes place. The 
research field of culture and video gaming has been growing steadily 
over the past years. In an effort to bring together people working in 
the field and providing a space for exchange, the International Academy 
for the Study of Gaming and Religion (IASGAR) is now hosting its first 
PhD-Summer-Day. This will give PhD students and other early stage 
researchers the opportunity to discuss their work and receive feedback 
from renowned international scholars from the field. Research addressing 
media-centered approaches, the perspectives of games developers, and 
publishers as well as the recipients’ point of view are welcome.

The IASGAR-Summer-Day 2022 will give doctoral students and master 
students an opportunity to receive feedback from international senior 
scholars in a collegial atmosphere. The IASGAR PhD-Summer-Day offers a 
chance to engage in a critical exchange about practical methods and 
theoretical approaches for the scientific handling of religion, culture 
and video gaming. The conference will take place in hybrid form, i.e. 
the experts will be on site, but the doctoral students can also join 
digitally – in the event of travel difficulties.

Confirmed experts:

Gregory Grieve (Religious Studies, Greensboro, USA)
Christopher Helland  (Sociology, Social Anthropology, Halifax, Canada)
John Borchert (Religious  Studies, Greensboro, USA)
Xenia Zeiler (South Asian Studies, Helsinki, Finland)
Lisa Kienzl (Religious Studies, Bremen, Germany)
Kathrin Trattner (Religious Studies, Bremen, Germany)
Kerstin Radde-Antweiler (Religious Studies, Bremen, Germany)

The participants will present their projects and receive feedback from 
one of the experts. In addition, each participant will also review one 
project presented by their peers to learn how to critically discuss 
research in a constructive way.




Are you a postgraduate student on the Master or PhD level and interested 
in the study of religion, culture and video gaming?

Join us!

We welcome applications addressing work in progress from early career 
researchers that are interested in methodological as well as theoretical 
questions in this field. This includes but is not limited to:

Gender and gaming cultures
Ethical questions and video games/gaming
Race and video games/gaming
History and video games/gaming
The role and function religion in video games/gaming


Deadline for Applications: May 30th 2022

Send a short CV and a letter of motivation to iasgar[at]uni-bremen.de 
including your area of study and your interest in religion/culture and 
video gaming research. Participants will be selected on the basis of 
their motivation letter. The selected participants will be asked to  
submit a long description of their project (around 2000 words), which 
will be presented and discussed at the IASGAR-PhD-Summer-Day. The 
invited scholars and selected peers will comment and give feedback on 
the participants’ projects.

No attendance fee (boarding and lodging must be organized individually; 
usually, doctoral students receive a travel grant from their department 
or doctoral study program)
Limited number of participants: 15
Letter of acceptance by May 31st 2022



30/05 Deadline for applications
31/05 Decision of abstract acceptance
07/06 Registration for the pre-conference
16/06 Deadline for full papers
08/07 IASGAR PhD-Summer-Day 2022

Further information on https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/iasgar/. For 
questions please consult: iasgar at uni-bremen.de.

Dr. Dr. Lisa Kienzl

(sie/ihr | she/her)

Literaturen und Medien der Religion | Institut für Religionswissenschaft und Religionspädagogik

Lab "Media and Religion" | ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research

Managing editor gamevironments

Universität Bremen
Sportturm (SpT)
Postfach 330 440
28359 Bremen
T. +49 (0)421 218 67912

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