[Air-L] Online Masterclasses on smart cities and the environment

Adi Kuntsman adi_kuntsman at yahoo.com
Wed May 25 02:48:34 PDT 2022


Weare running an online postgraduate Summer School onDigital Technologies and the Environment on 13-15 June; and still havespaces left at the following two Masterclasses, both dedicated to smart cities

   - Clusters of Broken Objects In this master class, the participants will upload images of a broken object of smart cities to Padlet. What counts as a broken object is kept open on purpose, as that would enable us to rethink what smartification practices promise to provide. We will then discuss what the forming of a cluster of these broken objects might mean and look like, and how such a cluster will facilitate our examination of the relation between the digital and the environment.     

   - Urban Environmental imaginaries meet app studies   Althoughnature and ecological concerns are usually not the primary focus of smartcities, many smart city initiatives include extensive environmental imaginariestell a story of how they would ultimately make the environment better. Thismasterclass will explore such environmental imaginaries, by studying smart cityapps, using a range of methodological tools from the field of app studies, suchas mapping the ecology of apps via a range of entry points, and deploying theApp Walk Through method. 

BothMasterclasses require to fill in a short form- please follow the links forfurther info. There will be a small task to prepare; and a follow uppublication opportunity. The Summer School is free to attend but places arelimited and priority is given to postgraduate students, early careerpostdoctoral and independent researchers who work on relevant topics

Finally,we host a pre-School opening keynote by Benedetta Brevini, "Data DrivenCommunication, AI and the Climate Crisis". The keynote takes place on June10th,  online and is open to all. Please register by followingthe link on the School webpage

Lookingforward to seeing you there


Dr Adi Kuntsman, Reader in Digital Politics 
Programme Leader, MA in International Relations and Global Communications
and MScin Digital Society 
Coordinator, PhD pathway in Digital Politics
Department of Politics | Manchester Metropolitan University 
Geoffrey Manton Building|  Manchester | M15 6LL| Web| 
Online office hours (term time only): 
Tuesday 3-4pm or by appointment- please email to arrange
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