[Air-L] AoIR Doctoral Colloquium Submission deadline May 31, 2022
Michelle, Association of Internet Researchers
ac at aoir.org
Thu May 26 11:24:23 PDT 2022
The AoIR Doctoral Colloquium will take place in November 2022 in
conjunction with AoIR2022: Decolonising the Internet
<https://aoir.org/aoir2022/>. For many years, this event has provided PhD
students working in Internet research with the opportunity to workshop on
research projects, to address methodological and theoretical challenges,
and to exchange informal advice on juggling the multiple pressures
associated with job searching, publishing, and finishing the dissertation
with senior scholars.
This year, there is both the traditional face-to-face (in person)
Colloquium, which takes place on our preconference day, 2 November, and
also an online Colloquium which takes the week before that, to allow AoIR
PhD students who are unable to travel to still participate in an online
version of the event.
As always, we have excellent mentors in place and we are always looking for
more! If you are interested in mentoring for the AoIR2022 Doctoral
Colloquium please email ac at aoir.org.
To apply for a place at the colloquium, please provide:
a) a two-page summary of your research. This should provide a context for
the research, describe the methods used, the progress to date, and primary
concerns and issues that you’d like to discuss with others;
b) A brief statement indicating why you want to participate in the doctoral
colloquium and what you hope to get out of it.
When applying, it’s important to select either the Face-to-face (In Person)
Doctoral Colloquium OR the Online Doctoral Colloquium, so we have accurate
numbers for each.
Submissions for the colloquium should be uploaded via our submission
website here: https://www.conftool.org/aoir2022/
*Submissions are due Tuesday, 31st May 2022.*
If you have any questions, please do get in touch AoIRDCchair at aoir.org and
please do circulate this message throughout your networks. We look forward
to your submissions.
AoIR Association Coordinator
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