[Air-L] PhD in social data science and assistant professor in cybersecurity (incl. online information disorder)

Matteo Magnani matteo.magnani at it.uu.se
Fri Nov 11 07:19:17 PST 2022

Dear colleagues, I'd be grateful if you could share the following link with people potentially interested in doing a PhD in social data science focused on computational
analysis of online visual communication: https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=561864

Some details.
Place of work: Uppsala University Information Laboratory, Sweden
Duration: 5 years, with 80% research and 20% teaching.
Salary: starting around 30k SEK, increasing to around 35.5kSEK (before taxes)
Starting time: as soon as possible (flexible)
Deadline to apply: Nov 25.

Some might also be interested in the following tenure-track assistant professor position at our Department, which is part of our investments in cybersecurity, and has analysis of information disorder (e.g. disinformation, hate speech, …) as a possible area of specialisation: https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=552637

Let me know if you have any questions.

Matteo Magnani
Docent (Associate Professor) in Computing Science and Distinguished university teacher
Coordinator, Master’s programme in Data Science
Director, Uppsala University InfoLab (https://uuinfolab.github.io)
Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University
TW: @matmagnani @uuinfolab FB: @uuinfolab

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