[Air-L] Exchanges journal (Issue 10.1, Autumn 2022 Published)
Johnson, Gareth
Gareth.Johnson at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Nov 2 02:03:03 PDT 2022
Dear all,
The latest issue of the early career researcher and interdisciplinary focussed Exchanges journal<https://exchanges.warwick.ac.uk/> (ISSN 2053-9665) has been published. Content overview as below:
This is the twenty-third issue of Exchanges, published in October 2022. As usual, this issue brings together a range of articles from scholars from a variety of different disciplinary traditions around the globe.
Article topics in this issue include: fakery and animals within academic publishing practices, distributional thinking about film shot duration, the five forces framework and its insights into the electro-automotive industry, realism, reflections focussing on reality and research practice, an exploration of the unpublished novels of Anita Mason, a literature review on the theory and practice of Arnstein’s Ladder and finally, a critical reflection on the use of collage as an autoethnographic method.
The editorial also briefly introduces the issue, its contents and offers some insights into the development of the journal’s Editorial Board. It also reminds readers of the future opportunities for contributions to the title from authors old and new alike, and the journal’s expanding range of companion podcast episodes.
Access via: https://doi.org/10.31273/eirj.v10i1
The next regular issue of the journal is scheduled for April 2023, although a number of special issues continue to be in preparation.
Best wishes
Dr Gareth (Gaz) J Johnson
Managing Editor-in-Chief, Exchanges Journal
Room C0.10, Institute of Advanced Study, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick
T: 024 765 7443 (extn 74423) E: gareth.johnson at warwick.ac.uk<mailto:gareth.johnson at warwick.ac.uk>
B: https://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/exchangesias/ Tw:@ExchangesIAS<https://twitter.com/ExchangesIAS>
P: https://anchor.fm/exchangesias
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