[Air-L] Call for Applications: Winter School Digital practices and global inequalities, Feb 2023

Meropi Tzanetakis meropi.tzanetakis at univie.ac.at
Tue Oct 18 03:52:52 PDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce that the Research Platform Governance of 
Digital Practices <https://digigov.univie.ac.at/>will host an 
and international winter school* 
the Call for applications is ready to be disseminated! Below you find a 
short invitation text you can use for promotion when sending it to your 
mailing lists, etc. The application deadline is on *25 November 2022*, 
we will choose 30 participants from all applications. In the meantime 
please continue with the detailed planning of your track(s):

*/Digital practices and global inequalities/*
/DigiGov Winter School 1-3 Feb //2023/
Digital practices determine how we are able to access resources and 
infrastructures. They co-shape and reflect existing dependencies and 
inequalities but they also amplify and perpetuate them. The 
*interdisciplinary and international DigiGov Winter School 2023* 
<https://digigov.univie.ac.at/teaching/digigov-virtual-winter-school-digital-practices-and-global-inequalities/> will 
therefore explore:
*/How do digital practices shape global inequalities?/*
*/How do global inequalities shape digital practices?/*
Together with our members and affiliates as well as external experts 
from various disciplines and fields of practice, we will:

  * dive into topics such as digital activism driven by social change
    across the globe, data governance, and how to assess and
    operationalize public value
  * address inequities with a focus on ‘extractive practices’ and the
    in/visibilities of dependencies and exploitation using the
    socio-technical spheres around AI as exploratory space
  * discuss the enforcement of digital fundamental rights in Europe and
    beyond and through the lens of experienced NGO professionals.

Our speakers include:

  * Tima Otu Anwana LL.M
    <https://id.univie.ac.at/team/univ-prof-dr-nikolaus-forgo/team/anwana-tima-o/> (University
    of Vienna),
  * Prof Joe Cannataci
    <https://www.ohchr.org/en/special-procedures/sr-privacy/biography-joe-cannataci> (UN
    Special Rapporteur, University of Malta),
  * Seliem El-Sayed MA <https://digigov.univie.ac.at/team/> (University
    of Vienna),
  * Prof Vladan Joler
    <https://futureeverything.org/profile/vladan-joler/> (University of
    Novi Sad),
  * Dr Katja Mayer <https://digigov.univie.ac.at/team/> (University of
  * Dr Ing Milagros Miceli <https://milamiceli.com/> (Weizenbaum Institute),
  * Dr Samuel Iheanyi Nwankwo
    <https://www.iri.uni-hannover.de/de/iheanyi-nwankwo> (Leibniz
    University Hannover),
  * Prof Barbara Prainsack
    <https://digigov.univie.ac.at/team/>(University of Vienna),
  * Noopur Raval PhD <https://noopur.xyz/> (UC Santa Cruz),
  * Prof Linnet Taylor
    <https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/staff/l-e-m-taylor> (Tilburg
    University), and
  * Dr Christof Tschohl
    <https://researchinstitute.at/en/en-team/christof-tschohl> (Research

*When & Where: *1 – 3 February 2023 | 9:00 - 16:30 CET incl. breaks, 
online via Zoom
*Structure: *three modules per day | keynotes, presentations and 
interactive workshops
early-stage researchers (PhD students and post-docs) who are eager to 
engage in discussion and exchange, open to colleagues from all 
disciplines with an interest in the topic.
*Participation is free, but places are limited.*
If you would like to participate please send a short outline of your 
motivation to participate, including a brief summary of the project(s) 
you are working on (1 page max.), to sonja.prendinger at univie.ac.at 
<mailto:sonja.prendinger at univie.ac.at> by *25 November 2022*.
The members and affiliates of the Research Platform Governance of 
Digital Practices <https://digigov.univie.ac.at/> look forward to 
hearing from you!
Please keep informed here 


Dr. Meropi Tzanetakis (she/her)

Lecturer in Digital Criminology
Department of Criminology
School of Social Sciences
University of Manchester
Williamson Building, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

Senior Research Fellow
Interdisciplinary Research Platform 'Governance of digital practices'
University of Vienna

Editorial Board Member, Kriminologisches Journal (KrimJ)
Elected Board Member, Economic Sociology Research Network, ESA

Website   homepage.univie.ac.at/meropi.tzanetakis
Twitter   @MeropiTzanet
Skype     meropitzanetakis
PGP       013E EB43 74D3 B441 86ED 2B51 FB5F 9A3D 2DDB 2CA9

Recently published:
Uncertainty and risk: A framework for understanding pricing in online drug markets, International Journal of Drug Policy, 2022, 101, 103535.
Drugs and Digital Technologies, Special Issue, Kriminologisches Journal, 2021, 53(3).
Doing Internet research with hard-to-reach communities: methodological reflections on gaining meaningful access, Qualitative Research, 2020, 20(6), 927-944.
Drogen, Darknet und Organisierte Kriminalität/ Drugs, darknet and organised crime (2019).https://doi.org/10.5771/9783845282831

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